What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
I'm thinking about it. I would have to catch and kill them once I stopped laughing though, I'm not a big fan of torturing anything, even stupid flies or mosquitos.

"A miracle is happening!" :lol:
I imagine wooden match sticks would be necessary, regular ol' book o' matches matches would be way too small.

I have approx. 19,000 of said wooden matches, however I rarely see flies at my apartment (they have all kinds of spraying shitz all the time which is probably making me sterile but hey the earwigs are gone!).
I wonder if they could actually do it... someone seriously needs to try this idea. Maybe this summer I could try it with some friends.
One Inch Man said:
I have approx. 19,000 of said wooden matches, however I rarely see flies at my apartment (they have all kinds of spraying shitz all the time which is probably making me sterile but hey the earwigs are gone!).

Not that I've ever tried, but isn't it pretty hard to catch flies without swatting them first? :| Hm... flypaper might be an idea though
Erik said:
If you're swift you can put some sort of pot or bowl over them without too much trouble.

No. Way.

Go try that RIGHT now, and report back. Ill give you money if that actually works.
Well, the disturbing thing is my father actually atempted this a couple years back. I must have been around 9 years old. He must have seen on it on tv or something.. anyway heres how it went down...we got some flies (at some horse stable lol) and instead of a matchstick, we used a very thin wood shaped piece, alittle bigger, for a model airplane i think (not sure) The flies were in a jar, instead of putting them in the freezer we used some ether to sedate the little ones. Unfortunately most of the flies just died from the small doses! We did get a few flies on the apparatus, but it never worked...:tickled:

On a side note the whole experiement was videotaped...i wish i could post it here lol.
you could try this....
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i've heard of a similar thing with bees, you catch them and freeze them and tie a string around you have a bee on a string. go wherever you want from there i suppose.
cthulufhtagn said:
i've heard of a similar thing with bees, you catch them and freeze them and tie a string around you have a bee on a string. go wherever you want from there i suppose.
Then you can get a second bee and tie it in the other end of the string... Hilarity ensues

Sexy Texas Cheerleader Ban Sashays Forward

cheerleading.jpgThe state of Texas, birthplace of sexy cheerleading, continues its efforts to ban it: Yesterday, a bill passed the House and now it moves on to the Senate. Its sponsor, Democrat Al Edwards, thinks unprotected cheerleading leads to "young girls being pregnant in middle and high schools, dropping out of school, having babies, and contracting AIDS and herpes." So in a way, a law against suggestive pom-pom twirling is probably a pretty fair compromise, because if Edwards finds out it's actually sex that leads to all those things, who knows what legislation he'll try to enact? — GREG BEATO