
This is definitely a type of music that I haven't ever really explored. Can someone recommend some newbie stuff in dark ambient or whatever it's called? Maybe it's time for me to see if I can get into some of this stuff.

I don't want to listen to any of the drone metal stuff. I've heard a fair bit of that and I find it boring.
This is definitely a type of music that I haven't ever really explored. Can someone recommend some newbie stuff in dark ambient or whatever it's called? Maybe it's time for me to see if I can get into some of this stuff.

I don't want to listen to any of the drone metal stuff. I've heard a fair bit of that and I find it boring.
Desideri Marginis - Procession
Lustmord - Heresy
Kammarheit - The Starwheel
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Henri Sorvali (of Moonsorrow) had a dungeonsynth project back in the 90s that was never released. He tweaked it a bit and has it up now on bandcamp. Sounds great! You pick up some nice Moonsorrow-ish flourishes and well as some more lighthearted bits too. Solid!

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I posted the first track before, but this is a great album... German neofolk. Has a lot of samples and almost electronic tendencies, but completely different melodies and textures.

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So good. Same dude from Paleowolf. He's got the Nordic ambient and stone age ambient angles covered. Would be cool to hear some Native American & Scottish dark ambient too.

For normal ambient, Biosphere - Substrata is absolutely essential and one of the absolute best albums in the genre as far as I'm concerned.

Also, Tim Hecker is great. You can pick almost any album from his discography and it will be great.

And don't forget Brian Eno's ambient stuff. Hugely influential.

When it comes to dark ambient, Lustmord - Heresy is essential. I don't care if people say it's not the best. It set the standard for all subsequent dark ambient and it holds up better than virtually all other dark ambient I've heard. It's the one dark ambient album that I still listen to sort of regularly.

Troum is good too, but there are so many Troum releases that I can't keep track of them.

Also, Tangerine Dream - Zeit had a big influence on dark ambient and is a worthy album in its own right (Don't get me started on their other albums; I love Tangerine Dream.)

I generally don't like the ambient stuff that black metal bands do, except if it's just a short part of an otherwise metal album. I find that full-length ambient albums by these acts tend to be pretty mediocre by the standards of the genre. It almost always feels half-assed and like they don't quite know what they're doing. Just because they're great at black metal doesn't mean they'll be great at some seemingly related genre. I have no interest in Burzum's ambient stuff, even though I love some of his metal stuff. Wardruna, on the other hand, are great. But they've always been a full-time non-metal act. It's clear that a lot of effort and care have gone into the particular thing they do.
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Fairly popular act, but posting in case nobody has heard. Nice chill ambient. Great to fall asleep to.

I semi-recently picked up all the re-releases of these from Blood Music. Great stuff!

I'm digging a lot of the links in this thread. A couple years ago I stumbled into Dark Synth via Blood Music, specifically Perturbator. Amazing stuff and takes me back to 80s thriller/horror. A bit more upbeat but still ties into the ambient scene in various places.

My fav currently is:

This then led to bands like Gost, Carpenter Brut.

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