Ambitions/Gear/Projects for 2009?


Feb 6, 2008
Ok, so I know there is a thread for your Christmas wishlists, but I figure its nearly the end of the year..... So, what is everyone hoping to do next year (musically speaking), any significant gear purchases, new studio premises, hoping for a major project etc?

I'll start the ball rolling:

- Hoping to get either an EP out or a small album with a view to sending it to record labels, ETA late in the year as I want to buy this lot first:


Echo Audiofire 8 interface
Either a DMP3 or an RNP preamp
Tracking compressor (probably an RNC)
Stereo pair of Fatheads
Seagull Folk acoustic guitar
GIK acoustics room kit.
My band's first full length (hopefully we'll be in the studio by March), and expecting to buy a house as well. If the house happens, then it will mean I found one that will suit a studio quite well. At that point the plan will be to ease away from full time grocery store management/part time recording, into full time recording/part time grocery store cashier...and, if I am blessed, I will drop the grocery store job altogether when the time is right. I have high hopes and a lot of confidence, so 2009 could be a great year...
Ambitions: Work on the album of a prominent local metal band, as well as be open to as much other work as possible. Quantity is the word. Going to attempt a broad swipe at the 'big time', so to speak.

Gear: GSSL Compressor, JLM Baby Animal Mic Pre, new monitors.

Tubetech MP1A
2x distressor
laptop for portable recordings, perhaps a fierpod or something similar with it...

Still gotta find my own space. Would make life a lot more comfortable to be able to sleep in my own bed more often. And pricewise it would be better for me and the bands i work with too.

my own bands:
3 tours planned with Smash the Statues so that should be fun again. First up is 10 days in January.
find a singer for my other band and get some shows going!

Getting my new CD out as well as establishing my own "Media Arm" parent company for projects under my name!
Thünderfänny with Lasse
Couple of fun things inc probaly an electronic music project...
Some 3d Modelling design work.

Establish myself in Vaasa and get a decent job and not have to worry constantly...

Nothing i need unless Lasse wants to land me an extension of his Peavey dealet me a pink leopardskin JSX head + Cab for Thünderfänny! :lol::lol::lol: and g
Releasing my fourth full length release. Doing some more live shows with Relativity and Vortech. Finally getting a work practice place from my own field (IT) (AKA get_gear(); ). I guess that's it for the year.
Well it looks like my video work is taking off more than my audio work, so I'll probably be selling a lot of my audio stuff to accommodate the video budget. Not selling ALL of it of course, but a decent chunk. I'd like enough left for at least a decent tube combo amp and my ibanez. Thankfully studio equipment is the only thing that needs to change. All my software is still usable, obviously my mac is running fast enough for HD video editing, monitors look cool and my second screen is staying.


Krank Rev. Jr. w/2x12 cab.
1 - Moving from Holland to Germany to buy a house with a big cellar.
2 - Get some akoustic treatment in the cellar.
3 - Get a Mac+audiointerface+monitors in tha cellah. (sell the Diezel VH4:erk:)
4 - Having fun mixing bands and own music.
1) buy some outboard.. probably a few RNCs / RLNAs
2) get more mics / cables / stands
3) record more
4) earn more money
5) get a gold disk.

3, 4, and 5 are all wishful thinking - but hey, that's the point of this thread right?! :)
1) continue with my smoking-cessation program.... I've smoked for 23 years & I'm on day 68 of non-smoking.
2) If I can keep up #1 for 6 months, get a U-87.
1) Complete and build my f-n guitardesign ive been working on the last few months.
2) Buy a DIY Soldano SLO-100 preamp, and build it.
3) Fix a proper DAW.
4) Get a 57 and a 58.

Thats about it so far.
1) Get my bands first EP recorded and have plenty duplicated by end of first quarter
2) Play at least 3 shows a month; aim for 6
3) Pay off my new car
4) Finish assembling my live rig (Buy an effects processor, a wireless unit, custom cable loom)
- record my bands EP
- buy more mics
- record more bands and improve my mixes (practice, practice, practice!)
- buy a house and build a studio
I'd like to put out a 5 or 6 song EP to justify all the time I spend mixing and recording - plus there's people that have helped with with stuff here that deserve to have a final product for their efforts. It's just going to be a DIY CD-R thing I'll mainly just run through my friend's distro ( and I'll pass out to friends.

Oh, and I'd like to get a mic stand. And I need to sell my 4-12" or part it out.

I'd like to collaborate more; I'd really like to add a solo or two over someone else's stuff.
- Finish our next album (should be done by late January)
- Maybe some tours and "bigger" gigs
- I really want to buy a new synth.. (Yamaha CS-80... o_O)
- If money permits, some new studio gear (mainly comps and FX) but not a top priority at the moment.
Going to finish the ENDITOL CD as well as hopefully finish the new Divinity.

Gear wise I have a lot of improvements to make now that I am (mostly) happy with my guitar gear. First off getting a better interface and monitors - Fireface and Adam A7. Then I want some room treatment and more plugins.