America: Is Our New Wave Really That Good?


Jul 4, 2007
We here in America are hosts to a large movement of new bands bringing metal to the masses, and already in its second generation. But the majority of these bands stick to the hardcore/metalcore style in some form or variation, and has alot of metal fans even questioning whether or not its actually metal. Is this movement really as good as we want it to be, or do we need to suck up our pride and just look east for quality metal?
Any sort of American-based "wave" should be forgotten altogether; there's too much spawning of worthless derivative bands.

Support/listen to the elite few from American soil who are still producing original quality material (Immolation, Arghoslent, Slough Feg, etc.), and those who are showing new promise as well (Crimson Massacre, Wolves in the Throne Room, Averse Sefira, Crescent Shield, etc.).
im from america and think that metalcore or hardcore bands are metal they just suck at least most of them, i like lamb of god and chimaira, but i think hardcore is overrated, and the only really good new bands seem to all be coming from over seas.
Any sort of American-based "wave" should be forgotten altogether; there's too much spawning of worthless derivative bands.

Support/listen to the elite few from American soil who are still producing original quality material (Immolation, Arghoslent, Slough Feg, etc.), and those who are showing new promise as well (Crimson Massacre, Wolves in the Throne Room, Averse Sefira, Crescent Shield, etc.).

immolation = awesome
All I know is, whenever Thoth-Amon and I get our black metal project going, I will make sure we aren't affiliated with being "american." I don't want a bunch of people taking into account where we are from and judging the music for it.
I believe it is healthy and good. Sure, a lot of metalcore (the kind which ends up in Hot Topic, etc.) is crap, but there's some excellent stuff and some horseshit in every genre.
if you are referring to shadows fall, lamb of god, and mastodon, then this new wave needs to die

mastodon is a solid band, remission and leviathan are great.

Not sure why they get thrown in with the gay metalcore acts. They have much more in common with sludge (1st album) prog (all 3) stoner (last one) technical (last 1) than anything else.
Slough Feg, Municipal Waste, Clutch, Trouble, Solitude Aeturnus, Neurosis and not to mention every Doom metal band that comes out of Maryland are all worth everyone's time.
but if you were swedish or norwegian, you wouldnt give a shit, huh? :rolleyes:

My statement applies to wherever I would have been born. The way I see it is, if I like a band, I don't give two shits where they are from. However, there are complete assholes out there who automatically discredit a band because of where they are from. So why would I want that affecting people listening to what I make?

Do you get me now brohemian? Or are you just going to keep retorting with sarcastic questions and smilies?