America: Is Our New Wave Really That Good?

My statement applies to wherever I would have been born. The way I see it is, if I like a band, I don't give two shits where they are from. However, there are complete assholes out there who automatically discredit a band because of where they are from. So why would I want that affecting people listening to what I make?

This is true. But hiding where you are from just seems stupid. Of course, I do not think you would claim to be True Norwegian Black Metal from Indiana.
This is true. But hiding where you are from just seems stupid. Of course, I do not think you would claim to be True Norwegian Black Metal from Indiana.

Nah, not at all. I wouldn't be fake about it or want to stab someone to death for calling me an american. But I'm certainly not going to be open about it saying, "WERE THE BEST FUCKING BLACK METAL BAND AMERICA HAS EVER SEEN!"
Any sort of American-based "wave" should be forgotten altogether; there's too much spawning of worthless derivative bands.

Support/listen to the elite few from American soil who are still producing original quality material (Immolation, Arghoslent, Slough Feg, etc.), and those who are showing new promise as well (Crimson Massacre, Wolves in the Throne Room, Averse Sefira, Crescent Shield, etc.).

You rule.
My statement applies to wherever I would have been born. The way I see it is, if I like a band, I don't give two shits where they are from. However, there are complete assholes out there who automatically discredit a band because of where they are from. So why would I want that affecting people listening to what I make?

Then fuck those people. It's their loss if they want to be that superficial in their assessments of you. But if you actually lie about your geographic origins, you deserve to be automatically discredited. Vanilla Ice did that and became the laughingstock of hip hop pretty quickly.
Then fuck those people. It's their loss if they want to be that superficial in their assessments of you. But if you actually lie about your geographic origins, you deserve to be automatically discredited. Vanilla Ice did that and became the laughingstock of hip hop pretty quickly.

I agree as well, fuck them.

I never said I was going to lie, just that I wasn't going to advertise it.
America's underground is strong, Agalloch, Daylight Dies, tons of great new bands and a lot of older ones going really strong like Xasthur. However, America produces more mediocre music then other other country, more of the same metalcore albums and great bands are practically non-existant from a population perspective. I mean just look at America and then look at Norway, England, Sweeden or Finland and the difference in size to the amount of good metal.

EDIT: Forgot to mention Job for a Cowboy, I know they get hyped to hell, but one of the best new bands going around in America at the moment. Sanctity are also quite good, the best of the bands mixing melody and thrash.
no, but ive always prefered euro metal

there are some good new american bands though. but just in comparison, i think there is more quality in europe
As far as a new wave in America goes, if it does come I hope it comes from the underground rather than anywhere else. Bands like Agalloch, Neurosis, and others have created original, artistic music.

Coming from America, I am of the opinion that there is an environment here that makes assessing musical "movements" very difficult. All the methods of media: film, television and music, are so closely intertwined (and as a result, unfortunately, more commercially motivated) that it makes it difficult to pinpoint which groups, and therefore which ones with the most visibility, you are referring to when you say there's a "New Wave." I can say, as a matter of my own opinion, that when it comes to bands of the metalcore persuasion, I certainly hope they do not become representative of American metal on the whole.