America: Is Our New Wave Really That Good?

i dislike many new bands on the metal scene, from US or not.

i preffer find out old metal bands that i've never listened, like Malice, Nuclear Death, Crumbsuckers and others, but i must to confess that i like so much new prog bands and all folk/viking bands...

new bands from traditional genres don't make me bang my head as in the past
Half a dozen of my favourite bands, bands which I think can hold their own are Australian. One of my favourite Black Metal bands is from Singapore. Metal certainly is not limited by geography, there are usually stylistic stereotypes between different regions due to different scenes and influences but hell, they have black metal in greece, why not good folk/melodic death in America.

America gave us the Bay Area thrash scene as well as New York Death Metal. And there are a few very exceptional and ground breaking bands in America at the moment like Agalloch. Daylight dies are another great example of what the American scene can produce. My favourite band, Type O Negative are American.
I love US Power/Prog, some amazing bands there. Some bands from the Florida Death Metal are great, and of course, Megadeth & Slayer rule (the other 2 suck).

US is a great source of metal. Its legacy shouldn't be discounted just because of some crappy metalcore bands and the like.
I like Lamb of God, but European metal is generally much better than American metal. Hardcore is fun.

My posts suck today. I'm too fucking tired.

you do suxcks the coks !

Except historically it has had some of the greatest metal bands ever... I don't think I need to go into any details.

:kickass: thoth, goth , bemoth is the man! bbblllaackkkk mmeeetull!
Most of the so called NWOAHM is stock standard metalcore shit that isn't worth anything, half of which is barely metal. But if you're talking about the underground american metal scene, than that isn't half bad, as others have said.