my classical/metal evolution theory

genocide roach

Aug 18, 2002
i mentioned this some time ago and some wanted me to write it out, and i just have. i havnt gone to the depths of writing references or anything like that, that will come later.

i think if you compare metal from start to current times, you can see it progress like "classical" take the beginings of metal and baroque era you can see they are both sort of formulistic, sticking to one structure.

as we moved into the classical era we got more dramatic and powerfull, they start to experiment and push the boundries first prohibited by "the rules". we see classical start to mix technicality with strong emotional melodies. we also see a strong surge in operas with its amazing vocal work. metal ushers in speed and thrash. metal adds speed and edge to the music, making it more intense. breaking the mold of how metal started. this later leads to the beginings of death metal. also to match the operas, we see the opratic voice carry from the beginings of metal from bands like iron maiden and judas priest and we see power metal come to be, which i find are really similar to rock operas. a final note on this movement. manowar says this is when metal starts and that richard wagner is the father of metal. and we all know manowar are the kings of metal! so we shall not question them.

next we move to the romantic era known for moody and dramatic pieces. heavy experimentation with minor scales and darker melodies. metal introduces black metal with its minor scales and brooding melodies.

to follow the romantic era we get the large eastern movement further experimenting with dissonant harmonies and agressive rythmic work. we also see a big nationalist movement. the use of folk songs and nationalist based themes comes to the forefront of the movement. we see metal begin to experiment with dissonance and even more agressive rythmic writing. you see death metal define itself as an intensly brutal form of metal. and although death metal started quite a while ago, you see it make significant changes from its beginings. you also see a big nationalist/socialist movement and black metal as well as bands starting to use viking folk music.

and now currently in "classical" music we begin to get into avant garde style. and as we've seen recently bands like ephel duath and enslaved include avant garde in their writing

keep in mind this a quick version hehehe, but i think it gives an idea and is close to accurate. ofcourse comments are welcome

Did I mention that I composed a classical piece with guitar solos, blastbeats, and double bass drums, and it worked?
hey anon, ive been been "writing" a piece like that. and when i say writing, i mean i want to write it down but always forget the ideas i have. do you have a recording of this? i would love to hear it
I'm gonna try and upload it. It's in MIDI, because that's how Finale plays stuff back.

I'll have to finish it as far as finetuning goes. Dynamics, bowings, articulation, you know...

It's very \m/
That's an awesome reading! My band is focusing more on composition than actual songs...we're combining alot of influences like Flamenco, World Music, Freeform Jazz, 20th Century Modern Classical. We're incoporating instruments like the didgeridoo, ocarina, harmonicas, violins, etc whatever the band can play. I'll try to put up an mp3 as soon as I can :)