Metal Vs. Classical


World's Greatest Vocalist
Aug 10, 2003
My music professor gave my class an assignment. It was to write a 3-5 min. chamber piece with an unusual element to it. I added minimal guitar, bass, and drum parts to a standard 5-piece chamber group and wrote some Opeth/In Flames-sounding passages. I also wrote the piece in E minor, in an attempt to get a metallic “feel.”

My prof. rejected the piece, saying that he noticed the metal elements and that it was childish. Metal is too unsophisticated, “in your face,” and is in essence folk music, or kids’ music. He said that my piece reeked of bad songwriting (I showed it to at least 10 fellow students and the assistant teacher and all said it looked awesome—I know the writing is good). He challenged me to find one metal song, just ONE, that has any of the maturity, tone, development, or “musicality” of any of Beethoven’s works.

If I can find such a song by Monday, he will reconsider my failing grade. I’m looking for one that has all those elements he mentioned and more, and doesn’t have any orchestral backing, so he can’t claim that stealing classical techniques was what made it good.

Anyone know anything that I can actually use?
I would say the most mature sounding music at the moment would be something by Opeth. The prof. just sounds like a narrow minded product of society though so I doubt you could find anything to please him. I wouldn't play him anything with screaming vocals though, find music with clean singing.
The problem with Opeth is that they're so random. As amazing as they are, they have little true music theory to their composing style. The random meandering will only count agaisnt me if I play it.

And I think that he is just misinformed. Most people think metal is AC/DC, Limp Bizkit, Metallica, and nothing more.
Yeah I know they're random but classical music is kinda random too. It doesn't follow any Verse/Chorus/Verse/Chorus etc.. Most metal doesn't run along with music theory & is written using strange scales. Sorry I'm not really helping. Maybe something by Therion then. I reckon if you us something with classical instruments in it, it might be more agreeable with him.
No, you're helping just fine. Classical usually works more through theme/variation and fugues and cyclic return or new instruments playing old progressions or motifs and stuff.
Yeah Nightwish is a good one because even though I'm not too up on my music theory I think that the songwriter is classically trained so he probably writes his music "proper" way. You know the way music teachers think it should be done.
Hm id go for some Mr Bungle or Fantomas or Maudlin of the well. If you get really modern he may reconsider- or he may think modern is crap too- which is idiotic.
hmmm Opeth was the first to come to mind however since they dont rely on Theory to produce amazing music(something a music prof should be able to look past) maybe something by Liquid Tension Experiment, Agalloch or Theory in Practice.
On second thought screaming will instantly turn him away so perhaps not Theory In Practice despite their immense technicallity and musicmanship.

Nightwish might just suit, perhaps the song Wanderlust. Im no hardcore musical theory professor but Classical and Metal do have many similarites(screaming being not one of them).
Maudlin of the Well or Kayo Dot. If he doesn't think any of these bands are up to compositional par then I say your teacher is a fucking dickhead, especially for Kayo Dot. Kayo Dot has more similarity to modern classical like Schoenberg, Xenakis and Messiaen than Beethoven....
hey anonimousnick2001 try Carven from Dismal Euphony. Or actually try any song from that album of them Autumn Leaves - A Rebellion Of Tides. Ok, it may have some of orchestral things in it but I really think those guys are great musicians...just listen to the use of every instrument and you will understand. And the vocals as well, the female ones.

Limbonic Art are great though they use many orchestral background. But you have to listen to them. They are different...You could try "Beyond The Candles Burning" song. It-is-great...excellent music.

Give it a try and let me know if that's what you are looking for, for your professor.
Chaotic I agree Kayo Dot would be better than Maudlin, as Kayo Dot, as a composition sounds much more organized and modern than Maudlin.

WHo is this prof anyhow? And why is he such an elitist snob? God one would think he would be excited to hear something different- oh wait academia is all but devoid of original ideas.
Your professor sounds like a narrow-minded fool.

I dunno for suggestions though. >_< My first though is Acid Bath but that's no good!

[ed] maybe even Tool. They're mainstream and as much hard-rock as metal, but meh, there really is not much can be said against them on a talent/songwriting level.