Metal >/< Classical? Metal Vs. Classical?


As much as I love Dream Theater, people need to realize they are compositional disasters, the lot of them. And I've gotten WAY too many recommendations for DAnce Of Eternity.
Can anyone give a short summary about when a musical composition is considered as "good" or "quality" from a musical theorists point of view ?
He's no metal fan or anything, but he definitely believes me when I say metal's gone through a fifteen-year revivalist movement.
Mr. Niel said:
I'd just like to say that James LaBrie (whatever his name is) ruins the new Ayreon CD. That is all.

NOOOO!!!! How'd he pull that off?

Hey Nick, what did your teacher think of Opeth anyway?
mot- said:
Can anyone give a short summary about when a musical composition is considered as "good" or "quality" from a musical theorists point of view ?
Good composition can't be described as complexity, which is why I completely agree that Dream Theater is a poor suggestion. Truly good composition is not about just creating ear friendly music, it's about creating the architecture of the piece itself. The piece has to be well developed, invoking the senses and emotions, by using dynamics, certain passages and progressions, etc. The music really has to move like a story, with actual structure really depicting something true. It can't just be a bunch of parts thrown together, which i feel stuff like Emperor and some old Opeth sounds like. There must exist a flow, a constant motion, and some direction. True composition is not about the music as much as it is about the structure.
Necramentia said:
The music really has to move like a story, with actual structure really depicting something true. It can't just be a bunch of parts thrown together, which i feel stuff like Emperor and some old Opeth sounds like. There must exist a flow, a constant motion, and some direction. True composition is not about the music as much as it is about the structure.

Technically I probably don't know much about music, but does this imply that unstructured music is not music at all.
Anyway I have listened to songs from Orchid much more that any of their later albums, and I relate to the songs as slow flowing meandering rivers(sorry for the shitty metaphor :ill: ). It just never dies.
yeah anonymous do you plan to play him some opeth? maybe play some for him?

the thing is a few friends of mine and i are getting a few opeth tracks ready for an opeth night at a bar (this is the first time im playing opeth...and i play bass) i must say they really are that i also look at them musically.

well, you probably know better. just a thought
Apprentice's Master said:
Your professor is still listening?
Oh, no. Not on a regular basis. If I have something interesting I want him to hear, I'll play it for him sometimes, that's all.