Metal Vs. Classical

de·cent ([font=verdana, sans-serif] P [/font]) Pronunciation Key (d
  1. Characterized by conformity to recognized standards of propriety or morality.
  2. Free from indelicacy; modest.
  3. Meeting accepted standards; adequate: a decent salary.
    1. <LI type=a>Morally upright; respectable.
    2. Kind or obliging: very decent of them to lend you money.
  4. Informal. Properly or modestly dressed.

And of course I do, I'm a genius. ;)

Is Profanity really fat?
I'd never seen the thread before now.

Am I really that much of an idiot?

For the record, he wasn't humoring me. I love Beethoven. I knew there was no comparison. But when I said a lot of the stuff I played was close, I meant closer than other stuff.

I'm just rambling at this point, I guess...
Define these recognised standards. ;)

Yeh, the Profanity clone I sighted was fat. :D
anonymousnick2001 said:
I'd never seen the thread before now.

Am I really that much of an idiot?
Not that you could tell alone from this thread (and I'm not saying you are). Anuses validate themselves by putting down others; clearly driven by an inferiority complex. ;)
Well, I seem to have proved my idiocy.

High On Maiden was one of my "allies" on the board. Now he's got a doctored quote of me in his sig as a joke. Erik hates me now because I'm trying to stir up stuff regarding black metal. Demiurge has always hated me(I saw his account on

Look, I saved my theory grade. I proved something here. I figured that would have been enough. I even got exposed to some new music, like Summoning, Diabolical Masquerade, and Mekong Delta.
"If I had wings, would I be forgiven?
If I had horns, would there be flames to show my cries?"

That is the correct lyrics for whoever posted them earlier to see.

I would recommend either track two from "Blackwater Park" or track two from MAYHEM's "Grand Declaration Of War" because they are both incredible and take serious musicianship to even approach the song, let alone to play it.

However, the new ARCTURUS album (The Sham Mirrors, I think) is ALL done properly with theory and constructed in accordance. Although the other two bands I mentioned (OPETH & MAYHEM) both hold some crazy precision and really good riffs...complicated riffs haha...
Profanity said:
Metal has basically expanded on Classical.
Basically, yeah. Actually, metal has expanded on every genre. Punk, country, pop, classical, bluegrass, folk, Broadway, techno, everything.
I think if you apply the standards of most metal boards to the anus board, it won't make any sense, because on most metal boards, everyone exists as an ego-avatar. Not so with the experienced posters on, however; they are commonly targetted with mischaracterizations because, as people who uphold standards, they are bound to offend many, many people.

The main point of the ANUS thread was that metal doesn't match classical, and pretending is... foolish. However, this was as precursor to motivate those who create metal to take it further than ever before (insert complex argument of "progressive"ism versus traditional view of history here!). Also, the catfish pictures were and are a big hit, both personally with me and with many members of the forum.
prozak said:
I think if you apply the standards of most metal boards to the anus board, it won't make any sense, because on most metal boards, everyone exists as an ego-avatar. Not so with the experienced posters on, however; they are commonly targetted with mischaracterizations because, as people who uphold standards, they are bound to offend many, many people.

Well, I agree to an extent, in that I wish some people on this board would try to post more of relevance, and cut down on the worthless repetition of others' points and just plain useless posts that come as a result of a liberal democratic society (;))

However, my experience of the ANUS board is that, although less of the fallacies of individualism are present, there is a distinct self-congratulatory atmosphere, under which little real discussion takes place, and threads typically exist to confirm and validate the existing viewpoints of members, rather than to challenge and stimulate.
I don't agree at all, except in the case of some of the newer members, who are tolerated because sometimes they're just clueless, and learn. In general, I think there's a lot of variation in opinion, although people who have a "hot button" issue with some of the major beliefs of the site are usually shut out because they contribute nothing except heckling.
polarity said:
Well, I agree to an extent, in that I wish some people on this board would try to post more of relevance, and cut down on the worthless repetition of others' points and just plain useless posts that come as a result of a liberal democratic society (;))
:lol: I don't know if you realize how funny that was.

However, my experience of the ANUS board is that, although less of the fallacies of individualism are present, there is a distinct self-congratulatory atmosphere, under which little real discussion takes place, and threads typically exist to confirm and validate the existing viewpoints of members, rather than to challenge and stimulate.
To be honest, I also got that vibe. However, there was a thread on Dimmu Borgir where ANUS members held a discussion without any mutual masturbation where they expressed valid viewpoints of why the music did nothing for them, and simultaneously made it clear that it was perfectly okay to listen to the band. Some even liked Stormblast and For All Tid. I was quite surprised. Looks like there's humans everywhere. ;)

prozak said:
I don't agree at all, except in the case of some of the newer members, who are tolerated because sometimes they're just clueless, and learn. In general, I think there's a lot of variation in opinion, although people who have a "hot button" issue with some of the major beliefs of the site are usually shut out because they contribute nothing except heckling.
Every bb site has n00bs and hecklers. I wonder what the reaction would be to someone who strongly opposed nihilism, yet managed to argue their points succinctly, and effectively...would they still be banned? Or would they be able to convert some people to democratic, liberal, Juedo-Christian ideals?

The main point of the ANUS thread was that metal doesn't match classical, and pretending is... foolish. However, this was as precursor to motivate those who create metal to take it further than ever before
I apologize if I ever made it seem like metal would match classical. I say this as a veteran of the classical orchestra. I was just trying to say that if any other style in the modern day reaches classical music's level of sophistication, experimentation, AND technicality (not to mention pure enjoyability) is heavy metal, in its various forms.

Guardian of Darkness said:
The catfish pictures are impressive, but they still motivated me to turn off signatures because they're so damn big.
I'll try and get smaller ones. The latest one is a real gem, in my humble opinion.
anonymousnick2001 said:
I'll try and get smaller ones. The latest one is a real gem, in my humble opinion.
Nah, it wasn't just yours, big sigs are annoying generally. I like having them turned off.

I've always liked Dimmu's Stormblast.

The thing is Nick, nobody has ever given valid arguments in favour of Judeo-Christian ideals, as far as most Anus-folk are concerned. This is why they oppose it in the first place, it's highly illogical and harmful.

That might be grammatically awful but I'm so exhausted I can't tell.
Guardian of Darkness said:
The thing is Nick, nobody has ever given valid arguments in favour of Judeo-Christian ideals, as far as most Anus-folk are concerned. This is why they oppose it in the first place, it's highly illogical and harmful.
Well, I'm a fan of Judeo-Christian ideals. And I don't go about preaching them. I never signed up at to make trouble or force those ideals upon anyone. I only declared Forum War on the board because I was a little peeved at the fact that I had been made fun of for this thread(with which I meant no harm, and I had no control over the recommendations I got). I took a trip over, and I saw what seemed like an elitist orgy. I fell victim to the same monolithic viewpoint that plagues many elitists...and judged unfairly--I'm sorry. I think people should follow whatever philosophy their heart tells them to, and leave others to their own.
Gallantry over Docility said:
No, it's very good technically but compositionally it's pretty bad, just like Opeth and Dream Theater. I recommend The Chasm - Deathcult for Eternity because it's a neoclassical masterpiece.

pinpointing the post in which nixon turns into an anus faggot itt