Metal Vs. Classical

Huh? I'm just saying that for someone that knows nothing of music theory, GoD can't exactly criticise the professor's analysis of Cryptopsy when the professor has a degree in music and GoD's read Tales from the Nutward and
Oh, okay. The Abraham Simpson thing lost me.

I know enough musical theory to analyze, and Misanthrope basically stated in another thread all the reasons that the song worked. It's got excellent tension/release, use of theme and variation, is still geniunely unpredictable, requires intense techincal ability, great chordal structure, unorthodox progressions, and an amazing use of dynamics and harmonic dissonance(except for that breathtaking solo).

So it worked. It followed some basic classical principles, wasn't boring or pedestrian, was unique, and was very much "metal" as well.
Oh, Abraham Simpson once shook his fist and said "FOR SHAME! FOR SHAAAAME!"

[Edit: I haven't heard the song in question, so I can't comment. :)]

"I think this prof may have been humoring him "

My thoughts exactly. It's great that the prof. liked that song, but really....nothing in metal comes close to Beethoven. I second The Chasm recommendation. It is probably the best thing in "pure" metal that you could have played him. Gordian Knot would have impressed him quite a bit too.
Oh? How good are you? I recall you saying you didn't know any music theory a while ago. Come to think of it though, I do remember you sharing some piano compositions on the hub, but I didn't get them at the time.
neoclassical said:
It doesn't take any music theory to recognize Beethoven works on a more complex model than that of Cryptopsy. I think this prof may have been humoring him ;)
Oh no, not the anus gang laughing at UM. It's a shame such a select few are convincing, whilst the rest come across as pretentious fools who think they're elitist or somehow intelligent by throwing around little catchphrases such as 'music and ideology are inseperable'. ;)
Int: I'm a decent pianist, not such a decent drummer. Possessing instrumental prowess isn't necessary for grasping musical theory anyway, although it is helpful in many respects.

"It's a shame such a select few are convincing, whilst the rest come across as pretentious fools who think they're elitist or somehow intelligent by throwing around little catchphrases such as 'music and ideology are inseperable'."

Their only "catchphrases" for those who don't understand. :o)

And really, what about this does not make sense? If you don't agree, then thats one thing, but next time explain why the above does not work, instead of indirectly straying away from the subject.
To avoid risking understatement, the members of the ANUS board are childish cunts. Please, it's one thing to joke about one's self-worth, facetiously exalting yourself above others whom you feel possess an inferior opinion, but to genuinely be that foolishly arrogant is just silly. Nobody's impressed by how well-versed you are in Shakespeare or how knowledgeable you are of Beethoven, being that it encompasses absolutely no correlation to the matter at hand (aiding a fellow board-member with his class-assignment). To be ignorant to an entire genre of music is just that; ignorance. I would like to believe that if I ever held the conviction to earn a degree in music, I would be reasonably astute in ALL forms of music, not just classical.

"Not one metal band can compare to Beethoven." Fine. Thanks for exerting such exhausted effort on conjuring up such a tired axiom, dipshit. I'm sure the thread-instigator appreciates your wasted contribution. I'm equally as certain that everybody you encounter will automatically stop and think to themselves, "He's right...he MUST be intelligent!" simply because you can pull such an arbitrary statement out of the narrow crevice of your ass. What I'm trying to say is, SUPPORT your fucking opinions with viable evidence so that you don't create the impression to me that you're the same as the average simpleton who preceded you. I happen to profess that if there is to be a single pulsating genre in the modern world that can compare to classical music in terms of complexity and composition, with how broad and eclectic it is, it is unquestionably the metal genre. I implore anyone to oppose this viewpoint with adequate credibility.
Focusphere said:
Their only "catchphrases" for those who don't understand. :o)

And really, what about this does not make sense? If you don't agree, then thats one thing, but next time explain why the above does not work, instead of indirectly straying away from the subject.
What I mean is that people have a tendency to merely regurgitate type phrases. I'm not saying it doesn't make sense; just that when people declare things without elaborating to show they actually know what they're talking about, or indeed when they can't, it looks a bit pathetic. ;)
Guardian of Darkness said:
Int: I'm a decent pianist, not such a decent drummer. Possessing instrumental prowess isn't necessary for grasping musical theory anyway, although it is helpful in many respects.
What's decent? =p So you do know music theory?

Prof: lol. I saw 'you' yesterday on the platform of a tube station. You were wearing a brown leather jacket, and the right lens on your glasses wasn't taped/steamed up, but other than that you were identical to the chap in your pictures, if a little older. I burst out laughing. ;p