Amnesia: The Dark Descent


Frozen Sun Audio
Nov 19, 2010
I just completed this game and achieved all four endings without FAQs, guides, or videos, and I am extremely impressed. I am telling all my friends about this game because of how much I liked it, and a few have said they will play it.

What a mindblow, I've played scary games before, but none that I felt got into my head as much as Amnesia. It's like the creators wanted to stay away from cheap jump scares and the really predictable horror scares, and instead get into your head and let you scare yourself. The aspect of not being able to fight back at all is fantastic I think, because all too many times games give you that "god mode" feeling where they pump you up and say "hey, ur great, really, save the world. Here's supermech-aliengrade weaponry" but not Amnesia... instead Amnesia tells you, "congratulations, you don't know who you are, you have no previous memory of life before now, you are fragile in a dangerous world and have no way to protect yourself. Your very mind is unstable and you occasionally drift into bouts of insanity or experience waking hallucinations, and to top it off everything including the stone walls that surround you desire to see you dead..... now try to survive..." which is a very neat take on a game.

I wasn't always scared or anything, and a lot of the scares were repetitive, easily avoidable, or just not scary, but there were a handful of times during my play where I either realized that I had forgotten that I was playing the game and had gotten into my character's head, or realized after dying or passing a checkpoint that the hair on my arms and legs was standing straight up and I could do nothing but laugh that I had become terrified by a video game. The sound engineering is fantastic as well. The ambience tracks are very effective, injecting tension or relaxation depending on the situation. The monster sounds are very good, and actually make the monsters seem scary and otherworldly. I actually tried to emulate a monster sound after finishing this game haha, which came out pretty cool. If I had to state one complaint about the sound in this game it's that localized sounds go from stereo center to all the way one side too quickly. Skyrim has localized sounds too, but incorporates appropriate room reverb in the other ear, so that it does not sound completely dry.

A lot of reviews focus only on the scary aspects of this game, but honestly it's only really like 35% of the gameplay, the rest of which is a thick storyline with a choose your own ending, and puzzles to solve in order to move on and progress. I went into the game completely blind, without watching videos or reading guides or anything, so maybe it wouldn't have had the same effect if I had, but for a modern game I was completely hooked and wanted to keep exploring. Anyway, sorry for the rambling review that makes me seem like a total fanboy. Anybody here play it too?
You have to try SCP 87a and b, it´s almost the same atmosphere like Amnesia but in a different and minimalistic kind. You should play the game with headphones and in a dark room for the perfect atmossphere. It´s an indie game and for free.
sadly i haven't been able to play this game through because my computer can't really handle it... gave it a try at friend's house and it seemed pretty cool. we got the impression the game changes a bit during different playthroughs instead of just going through the same scripts every time you play, but we couldn't be sure. i gave it a shot from the beginning and at one point you hear piano from one of the hallways. i went to check it out and saw someone leaving the room through a door on the other side of the hallway but my friend said it didn't happen when he was playing that part. would be pretty cool if the game could be dynamic like that.

if you like it you should definitely check out Penumbra 2. it's from the same developers and sets in modern world. there's plenty of mindfuck, fear and running scared in that game as well. the first Penumbra imo isn't so good though, it's got weapons and it's boring in comparison.
sadly i haven't been able to play this game through because my computer can't really handle it... gave it a try at friend's house and it seemed pretty cool. we got the impression the game changes a bit during different playthroughs instead of just going through the same scripts every time you play, but we couldn't be sure. i gave it a shot from the beginning and at one point you hear piano from one of the hallways. i went to check it out and saw someone leaving the room through a door on the other side of the hallway but my friend said it didn't happen when he was playing that part. would be pretty cool if the game could be dynamic like that.

if you like it you should definitely check out Penumbra 2. it's from the same developers and sets in modern world. there's plenty of mindfuck, fear and running scared in that game as well. the first Penumbra imo isn't so good though, it's got weapons and it's boring in comparison.

Unfortunately I've played through Amnesia an embarrassing amount of times - enough to know that nearly nothing at all changes during multiple playthroughs. The game is great the first few times but its charm starts to noticeably wear off. All of the Penumbra games are fantastic.
Unfortunately I've played through Amnesia an embarrassing amount of times - enough to know that nearly nothing at all changes during multiple playthroughs. The game is great the first few times but its charm starts to noticeably wear off. All of the Penumbra games are fantastic.

damn shame - guess he must have just missed it then! there definitely should be less predictability in games like these to keep them fresh... actually, in almost any game.
Unfortunately I've played through Amnesia an embarrassing amount of times - enough to know that nearly nothing at all changes during multiple playthroughs. The game is great the first few times but its charm starts to noticeably wear off. All of the Penumbra games are fantastic.

That's weird that you say that. I noticed some things in my first and only playthrough which were never mentioned in any guide, FAQ, or playthrough I've seen. And no I didn't look up guides or FAQs until after I completed the game, but I did look for these occurrences to be mentioned because to be honest they scared the ever loving shit out of me, and I wanted to see what other people said about them... but I still have found no mention of about three instances of pants being shat. I thought for sure that this game has some aspect of dynamics, or at the very least, random events. I surely trust your take on it as well... but I still find it strange. I was thinking today that maybe the game engine threw in a random "pants shat" moment if it suspects that you aren't being scared by the run of the mill scare tactics it typically applies.

Amnesia is awesome. They are working on a new game called Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs now.

I saw the trailer on their website today, really excited for it to come out but... are the enemies and gameplay really going to be centered around a pig type deal? I thought it was just a weird name.
sadly i haven't been able to play this game through because my computer can't really handle it...

I did some research on the graphics definitions for Amnesia. You've probably already tried this, but if you turn off world reflection, turn down shadow resolution/quality, and turn SSAO (this is the big one) down to 4 or off, it should greatly increase FPS.
Hmm, not trying to be a dick, but I really didn't find anything scary about SCP-87a. Floor.jpg

I made it to the 100th floor, and I didn't see anything scary. I looked up some reviews and threads and posts about it and all I see are "I stopped at floor 8" "couldn't handle past floor 19" "shit my pants at floor 38" .... I'm a bit confused, hmm. Is hallways scarier?
You have to try SCP 87a and b, it´s almost the same atmosphere like Amnesia but in a different and minimalistic kind. You should play the game with headphones and in a dark room for the perfect atmossphere. It´s an indie game and for free.

SCP is very interesting, i'd like to see all of the archives made in to games actually.
And i would suggest reading some of the SCP's before playing the game(But stay away from reading #87 if you are to play the game.).
Hmm, not trying to be a dick, but I really didn't find anything scary about SCP-87a. Floor.jpg

I made it to the 100th floor, and I didn't see anything scary. I looked up some reviews and threads and posts about it and all I see are "I stopped at floor 8" "couldn't handle past floor 19" "shit my pants at floor 38" .... I'm a bit confused, hmm. Is hallways scarier?
yeah hallways is way more scarier than the stairs... but you´ve got luck i´ve never reached the 100th floor :D I think this game/experiment play alot with primal fear in a subliminal way like claustrophobia, to be alone and the fear of the unknown.. I like such things :D
if you like it you should definitely check out Penumbra 2. it's from the same developers and sets in modern world. there's plenty of mindfuck, fear and running scared in that game as well. the first Penumbra imo isn't so good though, it's got weapons and it's boring in comparison.

I definitely want to play this then. I looked up a playthrough of Penumbra: Overture, and it's exactly as you say, the implication of a way to fight back completely ruins the atmosphere.

What do you guys think of this monster sound I made? I was trying to go for a sort of "shadow" type growl effect. Monster Sounds c.wav
You should check out Eternal Darkness. It's a bit old tho (gamecube). Your character had a fear meter and if it got too high it would start to affect your gameplay. Hallucinations, your controller would map backwards, game volume changes. It was a pretty cool concept
I have Penumbra: Black Plague and it's a good game but not as scary as Amnesia, it's really more sci fi than horror but yeah it's a fun game nonetheless.

There's a newer freebie game out called Slender you may want to check out, not much to it other than running around in the woods trying to escape the slender man...who doesn't look very scary to begin with.

forgot to mention Call of Chtuhlu: Dark Corners of the Earth as well. I have that one and love the atmosphere to it, unfortunately for some reason the game crashes in one particular spot on my system and I have never been past it...still, great fun and would probably not crash on your system if you can find it.

One more I saw recently is a game called Hide:

Interesting take on the graphics, might be off putting for some.
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Damn I have played Amnesia in the dark with a few friends, with loud music/sound, and even though it's 100% scripted, I shat my pants several times and my save is still at half the game. As always in this kind of games, the solution is into running to pass through your fear because the slower you advance, the most difficult it is.

It's really a wonderful game. Wether you're scared or not, the ambiance is just tremendous.
There's a newer freebie game out called Slender you may want to check out, not much to it other than running around in the woods trying to escape the slender man...who doesn't look very scary to begin with.

coincidentally, i played this game earlier today. i think the idea could be developed much further than where it is now - by its mechanics the game is extremely simple and after a few tries you already had enough of the game and not because you've just soiled yourself out of terror.

as you said the slender man wasn't the scariest character ever created, in fact at times when i saw him standing somewhere with some distance between me and him, instead of going "OH SHIT OH SHIT OH SHIT" i felt more like "oh there's that guy again, standing around. hey, guy. i'll just go over here to find some more pieces of paper."

for a game of such levels of depth ( :lol: ), i don't believe i'm spoiling anyone's fun by saying you can't actually beat the game. if you manage to collect all 8 notes you'll only be rewarded by developer credits and then you'll turn insane anyway. which was kind of underwhelming.
forgot to mention Call of Chtuhlu: Dark Corners of the Earth as well. I have that one and love the atmosphere to it, unfortunately for some reason the game crashes in one particular spot on my system and I have never been past it...still, great fun and would probably not crash on your system if you can find it.

I just heard of this game a few days ago and wondered how i could have missed it.. saw a few youtube clips and it seems to have some massive scares.

One more I saw recently is a game called Hide:

Interesting take on the graphics, might be off putting for some.

Its off putting to me due to the fact that it gives me a headache.. otherwise i kind of like the idea of using very basic, old school methods to create a new and seemingly exiting game.
You should check out Eternal Darkness. It's a bit old tho (gamecube). Your character had a fear meter and if it got too high it would start to affect your gameplay. Hallucinations, your controller would map backwards, game volume changes. It was a pretty cool concept

+1, I remember when it made my tv black out multiple times in a row, I eventually shut the game off and lost a lot of progress because I thought something was wrong with my tv/gamecube :lol:
Amnesia is brilliant. Playing alone with headphones at night will get you hooked so damn well or playing with friends in the dark is cool too. The gameplay is mind blowing. Finally a game where it's not about winning or anything but truly getting that thrill. The sound track plants the atmosphere so well i was grasped by that game. Everytime i was loading a previous save it was like a part of me didn't want to play it :D