Amon Amarth Dec. 8th @ HOB Chicago roll call

We're thinking about heading to Slovakia this next year for Metal Camp .... I'm still up in the air over that one ;)

Just don't stay in the Hostels :heh:

Won't be there, though I recently started getting into Amon Amarth. Work Christmas Party is the same night, and I can't pass up free Filet Mignon at Entourage in Schaumburg. Ooooooh.
Just don't stay in the Hostels :heh:
Haha .. that thought entered my mind. I know some people that went there for last years festival .. as far as I know they made it back in one piece .. haha.

Suprisingly the setting at the festival is incredible. They have sand beaches surrounding the festival grounds, and judging from the pictures it looked like Hawaii, or something. If you don't like certain bands you just go hang at the beach for a while. It actually looked like it could be 1/2 real vacation, and 1/2 metal vacation.

WOW! Awesome show, these guys are definitely a live band. Halfway through I was felling a bit exhausted actually cause of all the headbanging, they have such a powerful stage presence it’s insane.
At times the whole floor of the HOB was a pit, I remained in the back and I still got some pit action. Now I’m not going to bitch about a pit at this show cause I know what I was getting into, it was actually not too bad.

The night sucked ass though, heavy traffic getting there and back, freezing rain and Valet Parking that took 30 minutes to get our car after the show. However it was all worth it.

If you have any interest in Amon Amarth I highly recommend you catch their show next time they come around. 5/5
glad to hear the show was great. I was still sick....still am for all those who are worried about me. I have heard nothing but great things about them this tour. I saw them on the Nile and Kreator tour and they were great then too.

I read about how in NY most of the main floor sat down during Sonic Syndicate to bocott them for being crappy. I would love to see more of that stuff happen.
I read about how in NY most of the main floor sat down during Sonic Syndicate to bocott them for being crappy. I would love to see more of that stuff happen.

I wasn't there when they played but I was told that they got nothing but boos and middle fingers. When the guy in Himsa was saying the names of the bands on the bill everyone booed when they mentioned them.
WOW! Awesome show, these guys are definitely a live band. Halfway through I was felling a bit exhausted actually cause of all the headbanging, they have such a powerful stage presence it’s insane.
At times the whole floor of the HOB was a pit, I remained in the back and I still got some pit action. Now I’m not going to bitch a bout a pit at this show cause I know what I was getting into, it was actually not too bad.

The night sucked ass though, heavy traffic getting there and back, freezing rain and Valet Parking that took 30 minutes to get our car after the show. However it was all worth it.

If you have any interest in Amon Amarth I highly recommend you catch their show next time they come around. 5/5
Yeah .. they were awesome. I was impressed with how wild the crowd was ... Amon Amarth kept them fired up from start to finish.

The opening bands didn't do much for me, but they should be commended for being high energy, and giving it their all. All in all this was probably the most energetic concert I've been to. I don't think the crowd gave them the warmest of welcomes, but not quite to the level as described at other shows. They did boo Sonic Synidicate at the end of the set.

The pit action was a blast to watch (especially during Amon Amarth) ... I was on the 2nd level in one of those opera booths, so I was able to watch all the action from a great spot while also being able to stay out of the fray.

I also had to stand in line for a good while waiting for the valet service .. it was quite cold and rainy outdoors. Me, and my buddy Pat then had the 2 1/2 hour drive back home. The roads weren't too bad luckily.

All in all I had a great time .. glad I didn't puss out over weather issues.

BTW, Shadowlioness pointed out to me that some kid was wearing a Powerfest t-shirt at the show, I didn't see this individual so I wonder who this was.
It was a great show indeed. It was my third time seeing Amon Amarth and they just never fail to deliver. It was also fun to watch Jose experience them for the first time. :) I'm glad we missed Sonic Syndicate. I really could have done without Himsa as well. Whatever though, ya can't win 'em all. Yes, there was someone on the outskirts of the pit with a Powerfest shirt on...I demand you reveal yourself! Haha.

It was the worst experience I've had with valet at the HOB. Kinda surprising since I always go through the valet there. Ah well. The trip back for us was a bit shitty due to the freakin' ice that started to fall, but we managed.

I just keep thinking about that dude we saw up in the second tier balcony that seemingly never ceased swirling his head during the show. I'd hate to be that guy's neck right about now. I expect my own to be a little sore in a few hours.

ALL HAIL THE VIKINGS! BTW, Jose wants a drinking horn for X-mas. ;)
Yes, there was someone on the outskirts of the pit with a Powerfest shirt on...I demand you reveal yourself! Haha.

That was me... I was inside the pit on and off, and I was the only person I saw with a PF shirt on.

Great show... but why the hell was Sonic Syndicate filming? Or even playing? I had to throw in a "LEAVE THE FUCKING HALL" at the end of their set... so if anyone heard that, it was me. Hopefully it's on their shitty DVD or whatever they were filming.

Amon Amarth was perfect. I've never seen them before because I always said I'd wait until they headlined. I got to meet them, but the line was long so I didn't get to say much to them. I pretty much just asked Johan Hegg if they were playing Victorious March, and then they signed my flag and ticket.

Definitely one of the better shows of this half of the year. My neck is killing me, and I have a bunch of cuts and bruises on my arm from the Valhall Awaits Me pit... fucking insane. Great show and awesome birthday present :):kickass::headbang:
I just keep thinking about that dude we saw up in the second tier balcony that seemingly never ceased swirling his head during the show. I'd hate to be that guy's neck right about now. I expect my own to be a little sore in a few hours.

Oh yeah that was gold! There was some guy in the second balcony stage left that was doing a constant swirl headbang before Amon Amarth went on, he was doing that to the Dethklock tunes played over the PA. When AA went on he kept it going, I swear during one song he didn't stop at all. :headbang:
Oh yeah that was gold! There was some guy in the second balcony stage left that was doing a constant swirl headbang before Amon Amarth went on, he was doing that to the Dethklock tunes played over the PA. When AA went on he kept it going, I swear during one song he didn't stop at all. :headbang:
That dude was in the opera pit with me and Pat for a little while, and then was moved to the one closer to the stage. He was a good dude ... had got hurt ealier in a pit, and was sent to the opera booth. I'm not sure exactly why he was sent up there .. he said he thought he had a broken nose. Weird ... maybe they had staff looking in on him or something.

Glad to hear it was a good show.
Ironically, AA popped up on my MP3 player 2 times this morning when I had it on shuffle.

They are coming back? Where? When? With who?