Amon Amarth, SLC 12/12/07


Don't you ever get...
Aug 25, 2005
Lost In Necropolis
Ended up getting to the venue late due to work/traffic. Sadly, not late enough since I had to catch the end of the some local bands pathetic set. Basic song went like this:

3 chugs
different breakdown
1 chug


For some odd reason me and a couple friends decided to start singing various blind guardian, manowar, and dream evil songs. No idea why.

Next up was Sonic Syndicate. I don't get them... Whats the point of having guitarists if all you can hear is preprogrammed synth lines/drums/the 2 gay vocalists.

Himsa came on next, with a nice bit of irony... The vocalist was wearing a hoodie that said "Death to false metal". I laughed uncontrollably.

After about a 35 minute wait Amon Amarth blasted out onto the fucking stage and assaulted my ears with one of the finest headlining sets I'd ever seen. Set-list was decent, though, could of done with a few more songs from Once Sent and The Avenger:

1. Valhall Awaits
2. With Oden
3. Death in Fire
4. Versus
5. Asator
6. Eight Hooves
7. Hermod's (I prefer Under The Northern Star, bastards.)
8. Black Birds
9. Fate of Norns
10. Thousand Years
11. Slopes of Death
12. Ancient Gods
13. Runes
14. Victorious March
15. Ancient Sign (Would of much rather had Pagan Blood)
16. Pursuit of Vikings

Victorious March stole the fucking show for me. What an amazing fucking song live.

Got to chat with Johan for just a sec after the set, basically just a "hi, yo, cool set, bout time you headlined in the US" etc.

Anyway, despite the SHIT for openers, still worth the ticket cost. :headbang:
I might have to go check them out on Tuesday.

I thought their set would be a bit longer though, because of the unfortunate Decapitated incident. It still looks pretty decent however. I was hoping they would play Gods of War Arise, as its simply "awesome sauce".
I might have to go check them out on Tuesday.

I thought their set would be a bit longer though, because of the unfortunate Decapitated incident. It still looks pretty decent however. I was hoping they would play Gods of War Arise, as it simply "awesome sauce".

Yeah... Must say, There are about 20 other songs I would have wanted to see, but I'm 100% aware of the crowd they have the US right now, and why the songs they play were chosen. Seems like they've forgotten completely about Last with pagan blood on this tour though. They played it one night then gave up on it. Probably didn't go over too well with the glossy hair crowd. Victorious March and Eight Hooves didn't go over too well, but songs like Asator and Blackbirds the crowd was energetic as hell.

The SOTU effect, basically.
The Sound of Eight Hooves didn't go over well? That's a fucking shame right there.

That kind of thing happens a lot when I go to shows. Usually 90% of the crowd is there because they bought the band's newest CD, and haven't heard anything else. So, they're dead during the old material, but go ape shit for the new. I'm rarely at a show where the whole crowd knows the entire set. And I'm rarely at a show that doesn't have tons of hardcore kids fucking up the atmosphere of a good metal gig.

Any hardcore kids start doing their really cool dancing during Amon Amarth?
Of course. Though, there was this REALLY REALLY fat guy in a Dimmu Borgir shirt 3 sizes too small that seemed to dominate the mosh pit. I was up front for most of their set till I got swayed away a bit during Ancient Sign, so I was safe from the kicks.

Himsa, on the other hand, my friend ended up falling asleep standing up, literally, and the vocalist got pissed and pulled his hair, and started doing his "vocals" in his face. Not to mention the ninjas jumping up on stage and using my head as a lift.

Sonic Suckadick ended up lasting the entire set without getting booed off. The crowd here liked them for some odd reason. Some guy in a bathory shirt was going nuts next to me, and I felt SICK. We kept on singing "Valhalla, Deliverance, Why've you ever forgotten me" throughout a few of the songs though, which resulted in many a middle finger and threat from the 2 lead singers.

I'm actually really surprised that Sonic Syndicate got a good reaction at an Amon Amarth show. Surprised... and disgusted. Something is wrong when that happens.

I'm actually really surprised that Sonic Syndicate got a good reaction at an Amon Amarth show. Surprised... and disgusted. Something is wrong when that happens.

It's Utah. Theres a serious problem with some of the people at the concerts around here. They can't decide what they like and don't like, so they just like everything. I have NEVER seen a band booed here, no matter how bad they are.
yeah saw them a few years ago with COB and Trivium...Trivium was NOT who i was there for. but Amon Amarth was amazing and this was before there new album so they played a lot of there older stuff which was cool. then i saw them with Gojira, Sanctity and COB again i believe a year or two later and it was good but not as cool as the first one because With Oden By Our Side had just coome out so there entire set list besides the usual Death By Fire and Pirsuit was from there new album.

Valhall await's me was worth it alone though.
They were the best show I've seen all year, even better than Enslaved.

Everyone gave Sonic Syndicate shit then put the horns up for Himsa just because they don't look like scene kids. Fucking hypocrites if you ask me.
the show in sf wasn't that great for me actually. considering i really dislike fate of norns and don't really like vs the world i was disappointed because most of the songs were from there and also the sound wasn't as good as i could've hoped. it was still a good show but a bit of a letdown from what i was expecting.
Well, One station plays them on this show called "Kaos", which really kinda sucks. But the station that KAOS is on, KBER101, mentioned it like 50 times in a week. I think The Blaze, a station that is really weird and switches between dio and metalcore then to maiden, mentioned it a few times too.
lol one of the most epic parts about the concert here is that it was fucking freezing out and Hegg came up on stage and said "it's fucking cold here but not as cold as SWEEEDENNN!" then they went into fate of norns.
It was basically posted on every venue door and mentioned on the radio a couple hundred times.

No shit? I didn't hear heads or tails of it. Maybe only people who live in the great expanse of nothing known as toole got any heads up