Amon Amarth teach how to make mead!

hehe Sorry hun it's not a brand (yet) Gnoff is a member of the boards who makes excellent mead. I drank most of it in Bochum and not many others got to taste it, I was a tad greedy it was so good. :)

Gnoff you should start your own label for use to buy!
i got a Q usually people dont brew at home because of the fear of developing bacteria
so will this not end up mead with bacteria?

Hence the balloon. You obviously need to sterilize the bottles and any stirring implements etc, and anything that goes into the mead needs to be clean. Then you need to seal the container. They used a balloon, I use a glass or plastic stopper, the same thing you use when you make beer or wine (and yes, it is sterile, too), to ensure nothing falls into the mead or starts growing in it.
In the good old days you left the vat open, hence the strainers people like me help excavate (to strain out spices and such, but also dead flies...). On some occasions and in some cultures, that' s how you got the honey to ferment (natural yeast spores landing in it). We do have several threads on how to make GOOD mead if you're interested. An average beginner's mead is not very tricky to make. It takes practise to make a GOOD mead, but you have fun doing it...
Raisin Girl will pwn your raisins!
