Amon Amarth Tour Setlist

I'm with you on that. Let go of Pursuit of Vikings and for the fuck sake preat PLEASE play THOUSAND YEARS OF OPPRESSION in LA and SD.

I'm kind of dissapointed with the whole playlist. No old shift for US old farts / loyal fans from the early days. Hopefully they'll change it from time to time.

Exactly we seem to always get fucked over. I mean fuck voting cause it seems like all the kiddies vote for the new shit. But fuck it I'm gonna chant for it like crazy cause to me it's a FIST PUMPING and HEADBANGING Anthem and i need to see it live and need to scream:


so please guys not only the LA and SD show


hell i don't even care if u take out Asator for it. Hell i think you should be playin Gods of War Arise instead of that anyway. the ending kicks asator's ass IMO
I'm with you on that. Let go of Pursuit of Vikings and for the fuck sake preat PLEASE play THOUSAND YEARS OF OPPRESSION in LA and SD.

I'm kind of dissapointed with the whole playlist. No old shift for US old farts / loyal fans from the early days. Hopefully they'll change it from time to time.

Here's one more vote for Thousand Years of Oppression, I agree that the playlist is disappointing, last time around they had even even fewer songs but managed to squeeze in Releasing Surtur's Fire, I know there are are several of us on the board who are flying in just for these shows, it ain't easy dropping a few hundred bucks to see the same songs from all the previous tours
with that many great songs but a limited set length there is only on solution: Convince everyone to buy AA cds so the guys can finally headline and play the 85+ min set from Europe :-))))
hehe, they did play thousand years in europe.. greatest song i saw live, ever.. so fucking intense

Thank you Captain Obvious, I know they played it in europe! I SAW THE SETLIST SO I KNOW! U can kiss my ass knarfi. u don't have to rub it in. it's fuckin disrespectful. I'm just pissed because it said in the vote thing 15 SONGS WOULD BE CHOSEN FOR THE EURO TOUR and 10 WOULD BE CHOSEN FOR THE THE NORTH AMERICAN! Those other 2 should be Thousand and Victorious March and everyone knows it. WERE GETTIN FUCKED OVER. I mean WTF THEY ARE THE CO-HEADLINER!! THEY DESERVE 10 SONGS. As the opener they got like 6 ot 7 last year. They only get ONE extra song and they are the CO-HEADLINER! BULLSHIT! Come on Bodom! U've been here on headliner 3 fuckin times in the 2 years. You can't give you're CO-HEADLINER 15 extra minutes. like i said BULLSHIT!!
That's when you know where the spirit is ... please the new fans and pretty much fuck the others or at least once again AA gets fucked in the ass by the COB crew ... how many more times will they take it before they understand? Every US tour is the same shit, unless we beg, the people who have been fans for years get jack shit.
Keep playing new songs and never get to headline so might as well play an old tune.
What a pile of horseshit ... I am glad I ain't flying to CA for 2 shows. I'll save my energy for the Heathenfest.
WE want THOUSAND YEARS OF OPPRESSION which I don't thing you guys even played yet in states,

thank you very much, please drive thru

That's when you know where the spirit is ... please the new fans and pretty much fuck the others or at least once again AA gets fucked in the ass by the COB crew ... how many more times will they take it before they understand? Every US tour is the same shit, unless we beg, the people who have been fans for years get jack shit.
Keep playing new songs and never get to headline so might as well play an old tune.
What a pile of horseshit ... I am glad I ain't flying to CA for 2 shows. I'll save my energy for the Heathenfest.
Guys stop blaming children of bodom, they dont plan there tours and ecide how much time each band gets.
Guys stop blaming children of bodom, they dont plan there tours and ecide how much time each band gets.

If this is so, i have to ask, how do u know this for sure? do you know the band personally or the manager. If it's not the band then it's defenitely the managers fault. but don't give me that bullshit. WHEN UR THE HEADLINER AND YOU ARE OK WITH OR WANT TO TAK SOME SONGS OFF YOUR SETLIST SO THE YOUR CO-HEADLINER CAN GET EXTRA SONGS IN. U CAN DO IT! You just tell other band hey play 2 more we'll drop some songs from our set. but bodom won't do this so that is why i blame them. If i had a major band and knew that my co-headliner NEVER PLAYS HERE EVER, ONLY ONCE PER NEW ALBUM. I'd give them a few extra minutes. Bodom doesn't have to listen to their manager in this case they can do what they want. now if he threatens to walk then he's bein a dick and ok it's not their fault it's again the managers.

but w.e the main point is


and to add It's nice to see so far that this time around AA is stealing the show which clearly proves [size=+20]TO ALL THE STUPID MINDLESS FUCKING DUMBASS PROMOTERS OUT THAT DON'T HAVE A FUCKING CLUE (KNOCK KNOCK, HELLO MCFLY?!?), AMON AMARTH CAN FUCKIN HEADLINE HERE!!!!!!![/size]

end of viking rant.

is that lil jon next to kramer?
ha ha very funny, yes make fun of me but i won't rest untill i see Amon play this song live. I just won't. hell i heard sanctity had their van stolen so if they drop off Amon should get a few more songs. I actually like sanctity and was lookin forward to seein them but if they have to drop off cause of some dumbass oh well.
WE want THOUSAND YEARS OF OPPRESSION which I don't thing you guys even played yet in states,

thank you very much, please drive thru

They haven't played it here yet, which I can not comprehend at all, 1000 Years is not my favorite AA song, but I can't think of many of their songs that translate better to the live show, that song is just meant to be played live. I remember when VTW was pretty new, and one of the guys said they weren't playing 1000 Years very much because it didn't get the crowd reaction they anticipated, well, this is obviously no longer the case, and anyways, US crowds have never even got a chance to see to the song, so c'mon throw us a bone here, play the song and shut us all up
yup, I"ve been telling them to play that song since 2003 with the response that you've mentioned.

can I get a cookie now?

I remember when VTW was pretty new, and one of the guys said they weren't playing 1000 Years very much because it didn't get the crowd reaction they anticipated, well, this is obviously no longer the case, and anyways, US crowds have never even got a chance to see to the song, so c'mon throw us a bone here, play the song and shut us all up
The guitars on 1000 years of oppression are so fucking depressing sounding, although it fits the theme of the song. I think thats why they don't play it live in US, not enough die hards. I agree though, I fucking love that song so hard.