amon amarth US HEADLINING TOUR!!!!

I'm going to the Toronto show tomorrow night and I plan on buying Amon Amarth a case of beer or a couple of bottles of liquor. Does anyone know what the band prefers to drink?

I'm going to the Toronto show tomorrow night and I plan on buying Amon Amarth a case of beer or a couple of bottles of liquor. Does anyone know what the band prefers to drink?


do you just walk up to the stage and toss the case up there? or do they hang out with people afterwards?
Finally gettin to see Thousand Years of Oppression and Victorious March done live was unbelievable and worth the wait. Getting to see it 3 times is fuckin priceless. My neck is just startin to feel better after goin to VA, PA, and NYC shows. I went so nuts at PA my neck was pretty shot for NYC. even though i went nuts for the usual death in fire, cry of the blackbirds, thousand years and victorious march. For those who were at those shows i was the nut sayin WERE READY TO MARCH! right b4 Victorious March was played. should of been the ender. Pursuit is not a good finale in my mind. Victorious would of been fine or As soon the world will cease to be. much better enders. but im shocked no one said anything bout VA. VA was incredible i mean for one thing it was SOLD OUT so i mean i was so happy for AA. gettin to see my songs for the first time ever topped that night. i almost blew out my neck durin Thousand Years and then Victorious march such a fun song to headbang to. the top of all 3 concerts was finally gettin my bracers signed by all of AA out back after the philly show. and really gettin to finally talk to them. Olavi was the best. He seemed to really enjoy talkin to me. I asked him if it was toss up between Down the Slopes of Death and Across the Rainbow Bridge and he said they just felt the need to do Slopes this time round but next time cause of all the demand for it, they'll play Rainbow Bridge on the next tour. And Tomasz, Olavi also said Ride for Vengeance will be heavily considered next time cause it's one his favorite songs to play. so keep hopin. I also found out from Fred that he voted for Annhilation of Hammerfest. i so would of liked that better then Eight hooves. but won't know untill the next album comes out. but so great to see AA has major success in the US. it's about time. when i get a chance i'll post my pics i know i haven't been on much but with work and other stuff it's hard to remember to come on here. I see my friend nikki from philly is posting on here now. Hi nikki, it's andrew. lol. anyways good to see ur on forum. to sum up one of the best 3 nights of concerts ive ever been to. i so wish i had the time off and money to see it again but i don't know if my neck and my hair could take it. (you lose ALOT and i mean A L O T of hair from the knots and matted mess we cause when we windmill headbang, plus the pain from pullin them out. god.) i think im done with shows for awhile.
the show in NY last night was kick ass, the crowd kinda just stood around during himsa and SS's set, but once Amon Amarth came on the place just exploded, it was just beautiful. what a great show.

Yeah, the show in NY was great. Great crowd, all singing, having a good time.

We took the train from NJ to NY and there was a huge delay on the way there so we missed the signing. ( I have my previous ticket from SOTU signed though)

Band played awesome. Great voice, sound quality, perfect setlist.

Very happy with the show. My brother and I were @ the front, second row from the railing, right in the middle of the stage. He got one PICK. We both caught it, but he had a better grip on that tiny pick :mad:

I'll see them again, and again, and again!
I'm going to the Toronto show tomorrow night and I plan on buying Amon Amarth a case of beer or a couple of bottles of liquor. Does anyone know what the band prefers to drink?


I noticed they had some Stella Artois on their cabs onstage... they might like that.
Montreal show just ended.

I must say i am pretty proud of my city right now! i think we have shown AA how dedicated we are! My voice is so sore i can barely speak, good for me, i dont need my voice to write this down.
Finally i got to buy that awesome hoodie! and the tour t-shirt, which looks so great!
Väldigt tack Amon Amarth, this show really kicked many asses! The setlist is well balanced, even if their was more new songs than old, but its understandable, its quality is unquestionable though! I am particularly overjoyed you played Hermod's Ride to Hel and the Sound of Height Hooves. It was unique hearing them live ^^

See you very soon i hope!
Olavi, come back enjoy the snow before it all melts ;) :P
Johan H. awesome singing, dont let your cold get worse! what i do when i have a cold like that is to drink down a good glass of chartreuse, it really helps! and its soooo good!
awesome mate, your excitment for the shows brings back my memories that nearly give me chills ;) + looking even more forward to Vacouver and Seattle dates (is that proper english ;)), I'm glad that I have some time in between the shows as my neck wouldn't be able to take it, thanks,

next time AA comes to states, we need to do something similar to Aussie people and get a group of crazies and hit two/three dates together and have good times headbanging to our favourite songs

peace out

Finally gettin to see Thousand Years of Oppression and Victorious March done live was unbelievable and worth the wait. Getting to see it 3 times is fuckin priceless. My neck is just startin to feel better after goin to VA, PA, and NYC shows. I went so nuts at PA my neck was pretty shot for NYC. even though i went nuts for the usual death in fire, cry of the blackbirds, thousand years and victorious march. For those who were at those shows i was the nut sayin WERE READY TO MARCH! right b4 Victorious March was played. should of been the ender. Pursuit is not a good finale in my mind. Victorious would of been fine or As soon the world will cease to be. much better enders. but im shocked no one said anything bout VA. VA was incredible i mean for one thing it was SOLD OUT so i mean i was so happy for AA. gettin to see my songs for the first time ever topped that night. i almost blew out my neck durin Thousand Years and then Victorious march such a fun song to headbang to. the top of all 3 concerts was finally gettin my bracers signed by all of AA out back after the philly show. and really gettin to finally talk to them. Olavi was the best. He seemed to really enjoy talkin to me. I asked him if it was toss up between Down the Slopes of Death and Across the Rainbow Bridge and he said they just felt the need to do Slopes this time round but next time cause of all the demand for it, they'll play Rainbow Bridge on the next tour. And Tomasz, Olavi also said Ride for Vengeance will be heavily considered next time cause it's one his favorite songs to play. so keep hopin. I also found out from Fred that he voted for Annhilation of Hammerfest. i so would of liked that better then Eight hooves. but won't know untill the next album comes out. but so great to see AA has major success in the US. it's about time. when i get a chance i'll post my pics i know i haven't been on much but with work and other stuff it's hard to remember to come on here. I see my friend nikki from philly is posting on here now. Hi nikki, it's andrew. lol. anyways good to see ur on forum. to sum up one of the best 3 nights of concerts ive ever been to. i so wish i had the time off and money to see it again but i don't know if my neck and my hair could take it. (you lose ALOT and i mean A L O T of hair from the knots and matted mess we cause when we windmill headbang, plus the pain from pullin them out. god.) i think im done with shows for awhile.
My turn is finally here.
Thanks to everyone for posting reviews after the shows.
Makes it even more exciting!
It is going to KICK ASS!!
Hope they have the DVD for sale.

See you all tonight T.O. fans!!
Trop cool!
Je suis triste c'est déjà fini. C'était trop court.
Hier au Medley c'était impressionnant. le meilleur show que j'ai vu. Même SS et himsa était pas mal. Victorious March en live c'est géant.
Pas d'autres mots Juste un sourire débile toute la journée :-))))
Ils sont fabuleux.
heheeh, hi Andy.

I missed them hanging outside:erk:

although I met them earlier that day, but I could always talk with Oli again, he was so funny at the signing.
I'm going to the Toronto show tomorrow night and I plan on buying Amon Amarth a case of beer or a couple of bottles of liquor. Does anyone know what the band prefers to drink?

when i bought them drinks in atlanta they all asked for sam adams
amazing show last night in Montreal, the place was pretty packed i'd say around 1500 , I've shook hands with the whole band and they signed my ticket when we entered The medley, great bunch of guys, they were so fucking intense on stage it wasn't even funny, un vrai CARNAGE SACRAMENT !!!

the 2 opening band were the worst ever opening acts, they were fucking horrible, but who cares when you have AA after right !

Cheers !!
Anyone know where I can find pics/video of Orlando show? I haven't been able to find anything on the net really and I forgot my camera so I have no photos or video of it! Help meh!