amon amarth US HEADLINING TOUR!!!!

awesome mate, your excitment for the shows brings back my memories that nearly give me chills ;) + looking even more forward to Vacouver and Seattle dates (is that proper english ;)), I'm glad that I have some time in between the shows as my neck wouldn't be able to take it, thanks,

next time AA comes to states, we need to do something similar to Aussie people and get a group of crazies and hit two/three dates together and have good times headbanging to our favourite songs

peace out

yeah tomasz ur lucky as hell. cause i mean no matter what i did my neck was SUPER tight for the NYC show. I mean i went pretty nuts at Jaxx, and what a great venue jaxx is. I mean the small stage and the no barracade only a thing of pipe seperating you from the band i swear it may be a 4-5 hour drive but i'll be goin there again for sure. but yeah at NYC my neck felt like i had a huge weight on the back of it. i had to warm it up lil by lil but by the time thousand years came on i was ignoring the pain. But i def tried everything, painkillers, heat wraps, exercise, u name it i tried it to avoid gettin a knot like that but to no avail. of course i'd do it all over again. but yeah the next time AA does the states again ur right. a whole group of us from the forum need to get together for 3 shows. im hopin next time AA plays like Starland near me in Jersey or The Croc Rock in PA. oh well thanks for the kind words metal brother.
yeah tomasz ur lucky as hell. cause i mean no matter what i did my neck was SUPER tight for the NYC show. I mean i went pretty nuts at Jaxx, and what a great venue jaxx is. I mean the small stage and the no barracade only a thing of pipe seperating you from the band i swear it may be a 4-5 hour drive but i'll be goin there again for sure. but yeah at NYC my neck felt like i had a huge weight on the back of it. i had to warm it up lil by lil but by the time thousand years came on i was ignoring the pain. But i def tried everything, painkillers, heat wraps, exercise, u name it i tried it to avoid gettin a knot like that but to no avail. of course i'd do it all over again. but yeah the next time AA does the states again ur right. a whole group of us from the forum need to get together for 3 shows. im hopin next time AA plays like Starland near me in Jersey or The Croc Rock in PA. oh well thanks for the kind words metal brother.

No no no Croc Rock!!!!
Toronto show was fucking amazing!!! Talked with the guys before the show and during the meet and greet. Got them to sign my vinyls, which they enjoyed seeing. Also got a few of their picks. It was an awesome night, minus the six hour drive back home this morning. was damn well worth it.
I'm surprised that peabody's is still standing...the cleveland show was pretty much amazing
fcking crazy is right... ive never seen the bottom area so mad

what a buzzkill the two terrible opening bands were..they dont fit the amon style at all... they belong on tour with some numetal shit instead..
I and my BF were in the front row 12-7-07 Cleveland. AA was awesome. It was the first time I saw them live. I have been going to concerts since about the age of 15...well, it has been a very, very long time. They played a very, very long set, plus a 3 song encore.

I was pinned against this metal bar in the front row the whole time. There was some moshing during Himsa, and a lot during AA. There was a lot of shoving and pushing and I'm afraid I was a bit injured. I am pretty strong and survived. My BF however is pretty protective of me and shove this idiot back into Tuesday. This idiot..well if I had more room I would have done a round-a-bout in his face.

I have been to 100's of metal concerts and this idiot took the cake.

Back to AA.....I missed them when they were here back in the summer. They weren't headliners back then, although they should have been. I just wish they would have brought their Viking ship!
Here is my quick and dirty review of AA at st.paul/minneapolis. They kicked ass. I got there early to get in the front row and boy did it pay off. Sonic Syndicate sucked except for the chick jumping up and down :) . Every song sounded similar. Himsa I enjoyed. Lots of energy and the vocalist really interacted with the crowd. I was very pleased with them although I wont be buying a cd anytime soon. I give there guitarist mad props. He jumped on one of the speakers and it kicked out from under him and he fell on his. He just kept playing which I thought was pretty sweet. AA, what is to be said besides they absolutley kicked ass, as usual. 16 song set list all great songs. People going crazy and the AA guys just smiling in enjoyment. Cant wait to see them again. Time to get to bed now as im tired, got college tomarrow, ears ringing, and a slight headache. A night well spent. :rock::rock::rock:
I figured they'd be sick of us by now. I do hope they come next year, when I'm not so far out in the fucking middle of nowhere. Of course, just as well they're not coming tonight, we're having a major ice storm and everything is expected to be shut down tomorrow.
Himsa I enjoyed. Lots of energy and the vocalist really interacted with the crowd.
bahaha, yeah, pettibone was pretty crazy at the cleveland show. During a guitar solo he turned his back to us so I started watching the the guitarist play, then all of a sudden the motherfucker is flying at us and we barely catch him. I dont think anybody was ready at all, but luckily we had a pretty big guy next to us to uh...stop his fall