Master of War
Philly was indeed awesome, I think it was better than Worcester. Nice venue too, my first time there. We'll see if tomorrow tops it! And hopefully they'll play Pagan Blood this time.
Philly was great!
After walking a mile in the cold+rain and getting lost because south street isn't marked at the corner of 11th street, I got to meet Amon Amarth and get a picture!
Thankfully my will call worked fine and we got in without any problems.
Synergy ( i think was the first band?), and Sonic Syndicate were fucking horrible and I was in a pretty bad mood for the first few hours of the show because of this + the fact I was soaking wet. Himsa wasn't anything special.
Amon Amarth destroyed and made it all better again though![]()
The first band was Suter Cane, I think they were called.
Fuck, I wish Sinergy was there!![]()
Man... I think NYC topped Philly! I wasn't sure it would but I was right on the far right of the rail and went even more nuts than the previous nights. Got my ticket signed too.![]()
The shows have been ending around 11-11:30.
See, that's why you go to every show within a few hundred miles!![]()
Thanks for sharing vid Tomasz, gave me goosebumps. God damn that show was awesome!
Yeah my neck is just getting back normal now as well. So what 2 shows are are you talking about?