Amon Amarth @ WOA 2006

Keen said:
But they should play some additional Songs, they were the last Band on that Day, they had all the time in the world
I also took a Video but I cant find it on my cam... sucks hard...

I hope theyll be on Wacken 2007

Well, there is a very strict curfew at Wacken - or in Germany as it happens. The law says you're not alowed to play after 3 in the morning. Totally stupid if you ask me, but that's the way it is. In fact it's so strict, that the stage crew have been known to "pull the plug" on bands who went over time.

Wacken never or rarely book the same band two years in a row, so I'm affraid you'll have to wait until 2008 if you want to see us at Wacken... [edit: if we get booked for Wacken then that is]

On another note! Thanks to all you fans for showing up at 2am. Fucking amazing! :kickass:
Subway To Sally didn't exactly stick to the curfew, they went on quite a while past 3 Saturday night, so I don't see why you guys couldn't be allowed to play longer. Ah well, I had a fucking great time anyway. Worth every second of waiting to hold a decent spot in the crowd. Viking battle fucking rocked, and I fell in love with Runes To My Memory \m/

See you guys in October for your WOOOS (I love the abbreviation already :P) tour, assuming you'll be playing in my country somewhere
lucky999 said:
teh show was really great! the special viking show fucking rocked!

i got autographs at the meet&greet, the guys are damn cool

the new song fucking rocked! i cant remember on everything, but it started with an kick ass riff
Hey! im in the right part, a few people up front in that first pic! :P
For the people wondering; Runes To My Memory does sound like the earlier Amon Amarth, like The Fall Through Ginnugagap and Thor Arise
L33ch said:
Subway To Sally didn't exactly stick to the curfew, they went on quite a while past 3 Saturday night, so I don't see why you guys couldn't be allowed to play longer. Ah well, I had a fucking great time anyway. Worth every second of waiting to hold a decent spot in the crowd. Viking battle fucking rocked, and I fell in love with Runes To My Memory \m/

See you guys in October for your WOOOS (I love the abbreviation already :P) tour, assuming you'll be playing in my country somewhere

Well, I can't really answer for every band that plays, but that's what we were told, and I do know they've pulled the plug on bands in the past.

Why Subway To Sally got to play over their set time I don't know. Maybe the crew on that stage wasn't too alert, or they just like the band...

... I can pretty much guarantee we'll be hitting the Netherlands for our upcoming tour... See you there! Cheers
affinityband said:
I dont get why you would wait that long. I got to the front for all the bands and i didn wait at all. You just have to be vigilante and remember its pretty much everyman for himself.

Hmm, I was walking in the crowd towards the fence during Celtic Frost, when they were done a lot of people was still standing by the fence and 1-2 rows behind, I got lucky that the guy in front of me walked away so I snapped that spot.... After that I didn't see anyone leaving, just more people coming...

But I don't mind waiting a bit for the band I love, I could lean myself on the fence anyways.
The Curfew in Wacken is STRICT 3:00 am on Friday and Saturday. The Production Manager extra came on stage before the show and expressively told the stage manager and me (I am AA´s Tour Manager) that by 3:00 am the show MUST be over. As AMON AMARTH is a professional band and not that rich to afford a fine of a couple of 10000 Euro the show was over at 3:00 am.
Come to the headlining tour in late fall and you will get a longer set :-))))))

Anyway, thanks for some great memories.
affinityband said:
Did anyone else find they were stupidly quiet? Maybe it was in comparassion to ministry or where i was standing or something. But it hardly even sounded mic'd

It was rather quiet, but got better whn I moved further back.
Still very good though :)
I was there and it was awesome, so much so I shall be seeing you guys kick ass tomorrow in London - with the same friends that were at Wacken :D

Here's a pic I thought I'd share, as it came out pretty damn good:
