Amon Amarth @ WOA 2006

I have seen Johan during Motörhead, he stood one couple of rows in front of me in the crowd. :rock: Unfortunately, i had nothing to write for an autograph and i did not want to disturb him either. I think he has liked Motörhead very much.
I have seen Amon Amarth playing live 8 times but unfortunately i have not managed yet to get autographs :erk:. Perhaps at the next time if they play in germany.
PaganThunder said:
Fuck awsome set list there, although one more off once Sent woulda topped it! cant beleive you cunts got to see them do Victorious March!! and releasing Surtur's Fire!!! cant wait til next WOA (if) i go!

yo, im still alive and kicking here in sweden, ill be home soon and cant wait to post a kick ass picks especially one taken from the window of the hotel, its fuckin classic, can you guess it, stay tuned
gnoff said:
How is Sweden treating you?

Sweden is very nice, i styed one night in Stockholm in the old town which i especially liked, probably even more so than prague, where btw we went to hells-bells bar and met a cool couple from france, so now we can go to french riviera next time ;) plus the guy is organizing a metal fest south of france next year called Armagedon i believe
Hi, saw Amon Amarth at Wacken this year as well, it was great, but I hurt my leg a good bit two days before in the Football Tournament, so I unfortunately couldn't stay for the whole show :erk:

What I saw, I loved, and hope to see the band again sometime. I did get to get autographs, and told the band that I hope they come on a headlining tour in America and that the spot they got last time (opening for CoB and some metalcore band) was bullshit,that they should have played longer even though I didn't get to go to it.

So, hopefully sometime soon the band shall come to America again!
Ardbeg said:
Well, I can't really answer for every band that plays, but that's what we were told, and I do know they've pulled the plug on bands in the past.

Why Subway To Sally got to play over their set time I don't know. Maybe the crew on that stage wasn't too alert, or they just like the band...

... I can pretty much guarantee we'll be hitting the Netherlands for our upcoming tour... See you there! Cheers
Alright, fucking great! See you there indeed, not a chance in Hel I'll miss you guys. Might come around the back for a chat if I get the chance, or something like that :P

Nice to see you're playing in the same place as last year, too. Won't have to bother trying to find it :lol:
oh, it's so fucking bad.
I was at the Wacken OpenAir, only to see amon amarth live.
But i was to drunk to go to the stage and so i can't see them.
It was fuckin' horrible.. "cry"
I was there too. I dont remember how early we arrived to the concert but we were standing pretty close to the stage.

This concert was fantastic - perfect. I just dont understand why AA dont get more than one hour.

It's true the thing with turning off the electricity. It happened for Therion in 99.

My pictures from wacken will be online soon. Until then - enjoy the pics from Metalcamp
It was an awesome gig, indeed! Loved the viking show, it really helped the atmosphere.

I didn't think the sound was too bad, it was nice for a change to hear Johan Hegg's vocals this much live...though I shouldn't have watched Ministry, then I might have HEARD more of it :/

Glad to see you'll make Oslo on your next tour, looking forward to that one.
L33ch said:
Nice to see you're playing in the same place as last year, too. Won't have to bother trying to find it :lol:

Pff i have no idea where the hel weert is.. isnt it in limburg? why the hel a i typing english btw.. waar ligt et dichtbij? eindhove hoorde ik? iemand zei ook iets over friesland maar da zal wel nie zo zijn.. pff.. moet ik weer 3 uur ofzo in de auto zitte haha.. boeieeee!
Het ligt in Limburg inderdaad, ten zuidoosten van Eindhoven, 10 km van de Belgische grens ofzo :P

Da's inderdaad een redelijk eindje rijden voor je, maar ach.. who cares, it's fucking worth it! Maat van mij komt helemaal uit Leeuwarden naar Weert :P
L33ch said:
Het ligt in Limburg inderdaad, ten zuidoosten van Eindhoven, 10 km van de Belgische grens ofzo :P

Da's inderdaad een redelijk eindje rijden voor je, maar ach.. who cares, it's fucking worth it! Maat van mij komt helemaal uit Leeuwarden naar Weert :P

Haha het is het zeker waard.. ik ben vorig jaar ook naar de effenaar (eindhoven) gereden voor arch enemy waar ik toen eigenlijk nauwlijks naar luisterde dus voor AA ga ik dr zeker heen! en misschien ook nog ff naar duitsland voor een 2de optreden.. ik kan vanaf hier naar duitsland fietsen in 30 minuten ofzo haha