Amorphis, where do I start?


24 Hours Ago...
Jan 2, 2005
City beneath the surface
Ok, I'm clueless when it comes to this band up to this point. I sampled Eclipse and really liked what I heard. I also sampled Am Universum and really didn't dig it. Has this band went through some direction changes over the years? If so, will someone break those down for me?:loco:

Silent Waters & Eclipse should be your first stop, especially considering your tastes. I will allow the Amorphis experts to chime in on their changing sound over the years.
If you liked Eclipse you'll like the new one (as Glenn said). Then honestly I'd work backwards, but skipping Far From the Sun.

As for changes:

Karelian Isthmus - death metal
Tales from the Thousand Lakes - more melodic than Karelian Isthmus, also a little more doomy
Elegy - Clean vocals/progressive/death
Tuonela - Less proggry, moreso traditional doom.
Am Universum - Back to being proggy
Far From the Sun - A mistake. Band just wasn't feeling it here.
Eclipse - Tales meets Elegy
Silent Waters - Eclipse Mark II (I think its better than Eclipse slightly, but that also depends on the way humidity, direction of the wind, and if I had breakfast).
Did I mention that I can't wait??


Tuonela is my favorite followed closely by Elegy, then Eclipse and Silent Waters, then Tales from the Thousand Lakes. The rest of their catalog ranges from listenable to what the...? But those five are awesome.
Silent Waters & Eclipse should be your first stop, especially considering your tastes. I will allow the Amorphis experts to chime in on their changing sound over the years.
That would be my recommendation as well. These albums will be well represented in their live performance, plus they are the two discs with current singer Tomi Joutsen at the helm.

Both discs have a mix of clean and growl. Silent Waters is a little more growl heavy, and darker, while Eclipse is more clean vocaled and upbeat sounding. Both disc are of similar style.

If you don't want to get the whole collection you'd be well advised to maybe get Chapters (a greatest hits type), and the two latest ones. Most of what will be performed can be found on those discs.

As a fan that never heard of these guys prior to Glenn booking them for PPUSAIX, I first picked up Silent Waters which I personally think is a masterpiece. Then I picked up Eclipse per Glenn's recommendation, which I also like but not as much as Silent Waters. I was a little hesitant to go much further but just recently got Tuonela, and I have to say I'm really liking that as well. I'll probably keep going until I get one that I don't care too much for.
Tales from the Thousand Lakes and Elegy were both "big deal" albums when they were released... and they stand above everything else in the catalog... which is saying something, considering Elegy's got Pasi's vocals. :D
Definitely go with the last two, then for a taste of the best in the earlier works, get the compilation Chapters. Really demonstrates their progession. I love the first 3/4's, but get a bit bored with the growly stuff towards the end. Usually skip the last couple songs.

edit: No one caught that glaring typo!!? Shame on y'all. It was quite funny.
Thanks all! :kickass:

One side note, when listening to Eclipse it reminded me slightly of Poisonblack's latest, which I think is a killer disc! I don't know if any of you agree with that, but it helped me to relate to it. Thanks again!

Personal opinion. I've tried and tried and tried but no dice. Amorphis does absolutely nothing for me. More power to those that like them. Sounds like I will be retiring early on Saturday.
Thanks all! :kickass:

One side note, when listening to Eclipse it reminded me slightly of Poisonblack's latest, which I think is a killer disc! I don't know if any of you agree with that, but it helped me to relate to it. Thanks again!

Oh yeah .. they have a Sentenced/Poisonblack/Charon vibe to them. Those are probably three of thir closest comparisons. Paradise Lost would be another.

Has this band went through some direction changes over the years?

Major understatement.

After you get Silent Waters and love it (you will), pick up Elegy. Seriously, do yourself a musical favor. Especially if you like Sentenced(Poisonblack too), as the two bands are basically the forefathers of Finnish metal.
Oh yeah .. they have a Sentenced/Poisonblack/Charon vibe to them. Those are probably three of thir closest comparisons. Paradise Lost would be another.


:headbang: So, I'm not completly off in left field then by thinking that!

Well, I called the Disc Exchange in Knoxville and they're holding copies of Silet Waters and Eclipsed for me to pick up when I drive through on Thursday.

Thanks guys for the info!

Major understatement.

After you get Silent Waters and love it (you will), pick up Elegy. Seriously, do yourself a musical favor. Especially if you like Sentenced(Poisonblack too), as the two bands are basically the forefathers of Finnish metal.

Thanks Kimavir. :kickass: I'll be sure to check out Elegy as well, because it seems to be a fan favorite on the ol' board.

Over the weekend I was able to land both "Eclipse" and "Silent Waters" at the Disc Exchange in Knoxville. I've listened to most of "Eclipse" and I'm really enjoying this disc! My initial comparison to the bands Sentenced and Poisonblack still holds true for me after listening to most of this disc. I'm really looking forward to this set at this year's festival. Thanks for the recommendations guys! :kickass:

On a side note, I'm surprised to see that Marco Hietala has worked with the band. Is he becoming sort of a Sascha Paeth? It seems to me like he is.

Over the weekend I was able to land both "Eclipse" and "Silent Waters" at the Disc Exchange in Knoxville. I've listened to most of "Eclipse" and I'm really enjoying this disc! My initial comparison to the bands Sentenced and Poisonblack still holds true for me after listening to most of this disc. I'm really looking forward to this set at this year's festival. Thanks for the recommendations guys! :kickass:

On a side note, I'm surprised to see that Marco Hietala has worked with the band. Is he becoming sort of a Sascha Paeth? It seems to me like he is.


I was hoping to not like their stuff so much so I would be able to make Friday night an early night, after buying their stuff that's gone out the window. I also cannot wait to catch their set.
I was hoping to not like their stuff so much so I would be able to make Friday night an early night, after buying their stuff that's gone out the window. I also cannot wait to catch their set.
Yea!!! Another convert. That's what it's all about! :headbang:

Over the weekend I was able to land both "Eclipse" and "Silent Waters" at the Disc Exchange in Knoxville. I've listened to most of "Eclipse" and I'm really enjoying this disc! My initial comparison to the bands Sentenced and Poisonblack still holds true for me after listening to most of this disc. I'm really looking forward to this set at this year's festival. Thanks for the recommendations guys! :kickass:

On a side note, I'm surprised to see that Marco Hietala has worked with the band. Is he becoming sort of a Sascha Paeth? It seems to me like he is.

Glad to see you've come to like them too. As for Marco working with them, it's been my experience that the Finnish Metal scene is a rather tight knit community. Everyone seems to know everyone and there is a lot of "borrowing" of band members going around.