Amp Advice


New Metal Member
Feb 1, 2011
Esteemed regulars of UM,
I'm looking into purchasing a new amp (budget ~$1500, something that will last for years and hopefully something to gig with) but i know very little about amplifiers. I'm after something that will give a real nice distortion tone while still being able to produce a decent clean tone.
From what people have told me, ENGL and Randall would be a good spot to start looking for a head while Mesa Boogie or Orange would be good for the cabinet.
Any input would be appreciated :)
Assuming that you play metal, you should give Peavy 5150 a try. They are outstanding for the price imo. EMG 81 + 5150 gives you In Flames tone right out of the box. If you can't find a used 5150, I hear the 6505 is pretty much the same thing. I personally use a Mesa 2 chan. Dual Rectifier. I love the Dual because it has so much power but if I were to change something about it, I'd like to have a bit more gain. What really matters is what sounds good to your ears. Some amps require more time to dial in the tone you really want so you should really give it time and mess with the settings.
As for the cabinet, I don't think it would matter at this point as long as it's the size you want. Just get a 4x12 with V30s or greenbacks. Can't go wrong with those imo. If you can't decide on what cabinet manufacture to go with, just get the one matching the amp lol. I've had Marshall, Framus, and a Mesa Recto cab and all I can say is that the Framus cab wasn't impressive at all. The Mesa Recto closed-back 4x12s produce the nastiest low end rumble. Some say it's too muddy but if you like sharp tone with tight bottom end, can't go wrong with the mesa as long as you are willing to throw down a grand for a cab.
I currently have a peavey valveking 100w head with a b-52 4x12 cab. You can get that setup for under 1k. It's not a bad head, but the other guitarist in my old band had a mesa and it sounded far superior imo.. Now that I don't really play shows anymore I'm wanting to get something smaller (physically, I still want power if I need it). Orange is the shit, expensive, but man they sound goooood! :yow:

Oh and yea, definitely try that shit out before you drop all your hard earned cash on something that may not even sound good to you.
from what I gather, the Peavey Triple XXX is a gain machine just like the 5150/6505
Im trying to find one cheap enough for our rhythm guitarist.

and for a cab, just get a Vader 2x12. Plenty loud enough. 240 watts. and they sound unreal!
My first big amp was a Carvin Vai Legacy original. It's cheaper than most modern heads for a half stack and can get a bunch of different sounds, plus the head has a reverb knob! haha
I play Megadeth/Kalmah/Bodom style metal and I totally love it. Check them out!
yeah buy randall warhead like mine, buy head only and the rest buy preamp like sansamp or lots cheaper GDI21 use it with any marshall cabinets... will blow the gigs