Amp head question


New Metal Member
Jan 8, 2008
Miami, FL
For the most part i've only been able to use guitar amp modelers like Amplitube and The Line 6 Toneport. Finally i've saved enough to be able to buy a Amp head, but i still don't have money for a Cab yet.

My question is are there any dangers/chances of messing up the Amp head by directly using it with my audio interface to use impulses, or does an amp head always need to plugged into a cab?

If this is a stupid question then roast away!:goggly:

Cab, dummy load, hotplate, something. You really need to be connected to something else than the toneport. What amp head are you considering on getting?
Yeah, gotta have a cab hooked up bro. I've got one I'd sell ya for $100 clams, but you don't want to pay shipping to Florida from Virginia, haha.
Guys, that is not correct.

It depends on the head you are thinking of buying. Some of the amp manufacturers out there set their amps up a certain way which is great for using without a cab, others make their heads to where you have to have a cab connected.

If the amp you are thinking of purchasing has an FX Loop or a Line Out and the preamp output will go through those with the STANDBY switch on, then you can run it allllll the time without a cab. However, if you have to flip the STANDBY switch then you need to have a cab connected. Otherwise the juice will circulate in the components and you will fry something. Not all amps out there can be used this way as they need to be off of standby in order for there to be any output.

As far as Tube amps go... That is a dangerous concept. I've seen guys blow resistors and fuses many times, just by keeping the amp on standby and running out of the FX out. I've seen it with Mesa's, Peavey's, and one Madison so far. You leave that puppy on Standby for too long and it fries a resistor in there somewhere, then you hit the Standby to play through the cabinet and POP! You blow the fuse in the back of the amp. But... you can't just fix it that with a new fuse. You have to have the fried resistor replaced as well. Unless an amp is designed specifically for Direct Recording, I would not advise running it without a cab.
Thanks to everyone so far for the info

What amp head are you considering on getting?

i'm looking for versitile amp that can cover a range of tones, because although i am heavily influenced by metal/grindcore i perform industrial/aggrotech. I record tracks (guitar, synths, bass, drums and sometimes Vocals) and then during gigs i have them on different channels and sequence them live on the fly.

i'm still doing a bit of research as i don't want to regret my purchase...
(sucks cause i have the money and i'm usually an impulse buyer)

I'm thinking about a few...
Peavey 6505
marshal jvm 410h
randall Rm100m

i would enjoy trying them out but unfortunatly no music store i've been to has them so i'm going purely on things i've read. (any insight would be appreciated)

Oh and by the way thanks to everyone for the samples and impulses and in return if anyone on the forum is interested in any multisamples (2-3 octaves C2-C4) of synths or things like eDrums be on the look out i'll be posting some soon
dark techno-ish. agrrotech is to goth as vegetarian grindcore death-ska is to metal.

I'd say jump on the 6505 over the other two. However if you really want that tight Marshall sound to your music that's fine, but there's only so much a single Marshall can do. IMO the 6505 can grind better along with being more versatile.

That or get revalver mk III and master that. :D