So!! I just got some time to play with the device at home.
As I said before, I use the gsp with a marshall 9200 with a 4x12 avatar cab with vintage 30 speakers.
For this quick test I used my rythm patch (5150model), I changed the 1\4 output setting from tube power to mixer input.
The firmware in the gsp is the mustbebeta vC63
With the power and cab i'm pretty happy with this patch. Just the right amount of gain, treble, bass ect...
For the test I didn't want to edit the patch to compare the 3 scenarios.
(I do not have any recording of my live rig, I'll try to do that asap.
Here's the mp3s with pretty basic riffage, shitty playing, without any eq post processing or what ever.
the guitar is a old schecter c7 with a custom mahogany neck and a dimarzio evolution at the bridge.
The gsp is plugged in a line input of my echo layla 3g interface.
(also don't expect the Olga shootout quality here!!! hehe)
Mp3 with the catharsis spres high loaded in poulin impulse loader:
If I compare with the sound on my live rig, there is to munch bass in that sample.
Mp3 with the same impulse loaded in the gsp
If found to sound just to nasal. But I still think I can use that for small gig.
Feel free to tell me that I suck, or those sample are just pure shit!!
or feel free to ask for other tests or if you have any question. I'll have the gsp at home for a couple of days