Amp Recommendations

Oct 17, 2005
Kinnear, Wyoming
My Fender Cyber-Twin amp needs fixed. I want to get back into playing again. Any recommendation on a practice amp that has a nice crunch to it? Or a cheap little amp with an effects pedal? I use to have the POD XT Live but not anymore. I think what i might do is purchase a 1x10 or 12" amp and buy a cheap pedal. Any recommendations would be helpful.
Roland Cube 30 or 60. For the price you will not beat that amp, the VOX ADVT gets destroyed by it, so does the Spider III.

The cube has all the effects you need, a GREAT rectifier, and godly cleans to a solid state. Trust me on this.
The next step up is a Peavey used 5150 combo price wise, but that's several hundred more. You won't find a better amp for the price than the Cube. It pushes the air and sounds better at high volumes as though it were a tube amp.

I know a prog metal guitarist here in Houston with a band that gigs with the 60 watt version which is what I have. Watts only mean how loud the clean channel gets before it distorts, this thing can get seriously fucking loud.
No. Line 6 spider all the way. They're extremely cheap, even the smallest ones are loud as fuck (our guitarist fucking GIGS with his combo amp), have a ton of settings and pretty damn good distortion (if you're going for anything above that then you have to spring for a tube stack). I've been using Spider amps for practicing since they're so cheap, durable, reliable, easy to use and veryyy versatile and they have lasted me since I was 12 years old playing guitar 6 hours a day. Seriously, I've tried many others and nothing can beat it. A spider combo amp is great for practice, the line 6 spider stacks are good if you're reallyyy strapped for cash and need something for gigging but anything beyond that honestly tube amp is the way to go (i'm saving up for a hughes and kettner, that shit fucking ripssss)
in to stir up shit..
I had a Marshall JCM 2000 but sold it to get a tree cut down
now I have an Ampeg VH 140C and I like it so much more than the Marshall.
Unless gigging is your life, dont worry about a shitty tube amp.
Find a used, cheap solid state amp, and go slaughter.
Do yourself a favor and avoid the "digital" route. Its not worth the price you pay, get something that will ALWAYS be useful to you. Small tube amps are the way to go, especially now that they are hitting the lower end of the price spectrum.

I highly reccomend the:
Bugera 6260 - if you cant afford a used 5150
Jet City JCA20 - Throw a tube screamer in front and your good to go
Bugera 333 or 333XL - you can find them used for around $350
6505+ Combo - Shit speakers but you can always upgrade them. Gets really close to those killer 5150 tones
Yea the Line 6 Spyders are pretty cool. I had a Spyder II a long time ago. Now for practice I Marshall MG I dont know which one. the little one. But it sounds good and I even record with it.