Ampsim for acoustic or clean tones?

Here guys...For clean try my latest creation. This is a small suite of 5 "ISH" HEADS. ISH Heads? WTF is he on about now? :) Ish as in Fender-ish, Marshall-ish..etc..

This suite took me by surprise I had no plans of creating it, but it represented a real opp[ortunity for us so I did it. The upgrade will have 20 additional ISH heads..
I tried it some minutes ago (I'm on the facebook group) but couldn't find the option to bypass the cabinet simulation
Yeah there was that option, but I was asked to remove it as well as the option load external IR files...
plus cranked ac30s sound amazing.
love that as a dirty sound blended with a hi gain amp.
Well guys this was made for Acoustica, They asked for it to be removed..So all you want is the Bypass Cab right?
OK... A special Shred version for you guys..Gimme about 20 minutes and I'll put the bypass Cab in and..I'd also like put a Bypass head in so you guys can also test the built in cabs. Unfortunately though the ability to load external IR has been completely removed so there is no way to quickly add that functionality back in. I'll start a new thread for the Sneap Version...Should I?