Searching for a Pedal for my Setup


Dec 21, 2013
Hi everybody,

I started a while ago to reamp some stuff from things I recorded 2 years ago or so.
By now I have done everything only with AmpSims and I get a Tone I can work with.

But now I am having a bit trouble to get a similar good distorted tone out of my real Amp. It's an Engl ThunderHead with the 4x12 EnglCab.

For the Metal Stuff I recorded with the AmpSims I use the Van51 Amp with the Skreamer infront. This gives me an acceptable tone. Without the Skreamer it sounds quiet messy cause the Guitar Parts aren't so perfect. But I like it that Way.

Now I am looking for a Pedal which I can use for my Real Amp. When I just reamp the riffs that sound ok with the Ampsim the Engl really shows how "rock and roll" the riffs are. So I need somethin which I can use in fron of the Amp which does a similar thing like the screamer.

I also tried to put the Skreamer plugin onto the DI-Track when reamping. But that doesn't sound anything similar to what I got from the AmpSim.

Maybe It's a good Idea to post my Reamping Chain.
The Guitars (Ibanez GIO, Yamaha Drop 6) were recorded through my Focusrite Saffire 6 USB (Hi-Z Input). The RMS maybe around -16 to -14dbFS.

When I reamp I go through an Yamaha N12 Mixer/Interface and plug one of the StereoOuts into my Palmer DACCAPO straight into my Engl Thunder Head.

Maybe some of you have some suggestions about what could be the best Pedals to try out.

Heavy Greetz

I was thinking about the Tubescreamer but I don't really know which one is the best or at least what Models I should try out.

Are the newer ones good or does it have to be the old one?
The Skreamer in Guitar Rig 5 seems to be a Tubescreamer Mod and I really like what it's doing.

To be honest. Without the Skreamer the Guitars sound very sloppy and untight but with it has a nice Feel which I like.

I also read the Thread about which Gear on what Album and I think most of the Pedals in there aren't for sale.

I own a Boss Pedal (MetalZone). It sounded good when I testet it on a Vox NightTrain Amp. But I don't like it that much on my Engl. So I am not sure if another Distortion Pedal is the right one for me.
I also bought a used HM2 Pedal from Boss cause I wanted to try to get an Old School Death Metal Tone.

But it seems that I kinda suck on getting a good Metal Tone from my Equipment.

Heavy Greetz
I was thinking about the Tubescreamer but I don't really know which one is the best or at least what Models I should try out.

Are the newer ones good or does it have to be the old one?
The Skreamer in Guitar Rig 5 seems to be a Tubescreamer Mod and I really like what it's doing.

To be honest. Without the Skreamer the Guitars sound very sloppy and untight but with it has a nice Feel which I like.

I also read the Thread about which Gear on what Album and I think most of the Pedals in there aren't for sale.

I own a Boss Pedal (MetalZone). It sounded good when I testet it on a Vox NightTrain Amp. But I don't like it that much on my Engl. So I am not sure if another Distortion Pedal is the right one for me.
I also bought a used HM2 Pedal from Boss cause I wanted to try to get an Old School Death Metal Tone.

But it seems that I kinda suck on getting a good Metal Tone from my Equipment.

Heavy Greetz
There is a Tube Screamer sticky thread just above here:
Wonder what Engl you've got. The Mk.1 Powerball is the only amp I've ever encountered that fares worse with a Screamer than without.
I read the sticky from JBroll and I am a bit better informed. Not that I did really understand everything with my English knowledge.

Just listened to some Soundfiles from the Website I buy most of my Stuff (Thomann) and for me the TS808 and TS9 from Ibanez sound very similar when not the same. I also listened to the Maxon Stuff and the OD-9 also sounds very similar to the TS9 from Ibanez. The OD-808. From the soundfiles I would say I like the TS9, OD-9 more cause it has more bite.
But I don't know which one would fit more to my Amp.

I got the Engl Thunderhead with a 4x12 Cabinet also from Engl. I had a HM2 and a Metalzone Pedal in front of it. But that doesn't really give me a good sound. With the HM2 I will do some more tests cause I would like to get a similar Old School Sweden Death Metalsound. The Sound was similar but the Tone sounded really choked and the Amp was really really noisy.

Heavy Greetz