An attempt to create that chango sound. Please help me out!


New Metal Member
Jul 10, 2012
Here is a song I've written, recorded and mixed. The song is not done yet but I've false started the mixing process.

Basically I just want any criticism that I can get since this is my first own mix ever made. If you think it's sucks then tell me that and if you know how I could make it better please tell me that aswell.

Best regards
Snare is a tad bit overkill for that chango sound. Too much low end. I know exactly what you're talking about though, but man don't go for the Chango sound man! Go for the IAmSoJohan sound! I love Cameron's production, despite what people say about it, but create your own mix sound that is unique! Why is everything panned to the right?
IMO, the snare sounds kind of boomy, the guitars are a bit weird but they're fine for the moment. What you need to get up in the mix is bass, probably with enough grit to peak through the guitars' mids (which will in turn make the guitars fit the mix more as they have some kind of holes in the mids). The whole mix pumps a bit and the overheads don't sound natural at all, somehow too wide and disconnected from the rest of the mix. Try fixing this and uploading a new mix, should sound much better then.
Wow, can you please tell me what your using for drums? Is it the sturgis or chango samples? If so how did u process them? I really like them. The song is also well done. The only thing holding it back imo is the mixing. I seems a bit muddy boomy for some reason. Im not listening to it with the best speakers right now but it sounds like it needs some more brightness/ air added to it and also make sure that nothing is clipping. That could also be why it sounds boomy,
Thank you!
I am using the chango samples and I have not done much about them actually!
Just some basic stuff.
How can I make it brighter?
Hey man just wondering... is this song mastered? That could fix alot of the little issues that your song might be having with presence and clarity. Also, somethign that ive noticed is that the guitars still sound a little one sided. It sounds like most of the rhythm is coming from the right side. So either the tracks still arent panned hard left and hard right yet, one of the guitars has a higher db level or it might be because your using two different amp tones, one for each side. I think you should work on this whole panning issue first before we move on to the other mixing issues. It also seems like your main vox track is too much to the right as well. I big part of the whole sturgis chango sound is that it is very symmetrical sounding, meaning that all of the instruments are distributed evenly across the entire stereo spectrum.