An Enchant-ing evening!


C-C-Cool Beans!!!
Last weekend me & Sheri flew out to see the filiming of Enchants Live DVD.... and it was an absolutly brilliant experiance!

We've been HUGE fans of Enchant since their release of "Bluprint..." and drove out to see them play back when they opend for Fates Warning at Club Chaos in Freemont, Ca in 97'. In fact, this gig in 97' was the first concert we attended together, so for us to relive the event again was a real treat for us!

Let me add... that being that it was our first concert together 6 years ago, that I commemorated the end of the night by giving her "the ring"... and no not the "one ring" from LOTR, the ring that has set the date of August 28th for us to be married! :Spin: WOO HOO!!!!

Anyhoo... the show was amazing, and they played for over TWO HOURS! I don't know about anyone else, but Katagory V would be pooped after an hour alone! The set list encluded about a 1/3 of their entire catalauge, and they played MANY of our favorite tunes. The live version of "Aquaintance" was of course my favorite, as well as the flawless insturmental "Progtology". We also had a chance to see how they were doing on the spot editing and mixing from upstairs while they were running through their acoustic segment.... which many of you will find to be a real treat on the DVD!

One of the most mind blowing things was that 6 years ago when we drove out to see them, we were the only ones that drove such a long distance for their show, and at the time it kocked them over.... but now, at this show, there were fan coming from OVERSEAS! wow.... it's obvious a lot has happened with Enchant since the last we saw them! It's well over-due success that we're thrilled to see them achive!

During the evening, we hung out with our bay-area brotha' Jasun (Zero Hour) and also spent some times with our good friends from L.A., Mike & Smiley (Prymary) who drove up for the show as well. Also met the Carnaval man himself from The Dividing Line Radio!

It was great to meet Ted, Doug & Ed again after so many years...and it was hilarious that Ted's wife remebered us from that long ago! They are stillt he coolest kats, and no matter what Ed says about his personal performance on stage.... it was flawlessy executed and smashing! :worship: the guy is still one of my alltime favorite bassists, hands down!

You couldn't ask for a better evening in my opinion... as a long time fan, stocking up on a bunch of Enchant-ing merchandise, and to see Enchant live in such an intamate settingagain; it was absolutly amazing! We can't wait to see the final footage on DVD!

Congratulations to both you guys! Melissa and I watched the live webcast it was a great show. :headbang: Ed was great, for some reason when I hear him play it reminds me of Stu Hamm circa Kings of Sleep. Best of luck to you two in the future.

PS. You're tying the knot on my my birthday and the same day we'll be in Denver for Nightwish. :loco:
Dustin said:
Let me add... that being that it was our first concert together 6 years ago, that I commemorated the end of the night by giving her "the ring"... and no not the "one ring" from LOTR, the ring that has set the date of August 28th for us to be married! :Spin: WOO HOO!!!!

WOOHOO Congrats and champaign :)

Dustin said:
Let me add... that being that it was our first concert together 6 years ago, that I commemorated the end of the night by giving her "the ring"... and no not the "one ring" from LOTR, the ring that has set the date of August 28th for us to be married! :Spin: WOO HOO!!!!
Congratulations, you guys! :headbang:

Now, you just need to call my Mrs... she'll help you sort out everything else you need, if you like!