An entirley free plugins/samples mix


Jun 16, 2007
Jax, Fl
Besides C5 and battery I ended up using free plugins

It's not done (need to work on singing vocals)

guitars are TSS/x30 on one side and soloc/8505 on the other with catharsis impulses. We cranked the monitors (pa actually) and the did their takes with 58's. Kinda obvious. Block fish and L1 to compress the piss out of it them.

I had to play the bass because they couldn't figure out the parts :err: Just lots of blockfish with saturation (crappy GIO bass)
Drums are a bunch of free ones floating around here using the humanizing function in battery and some custom ones I blended in from my drummers kit. 808 drop I modified (detuning envelope and stretched)

Microkorg for keys. Studio Projects B1 for singing.

All verb was epicVerb

Gclip and W1 (l1 clone) on master buss.