an idea to rid the tour of Devildriver


New Metal Member
Aug 10, 2002
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so this worked when Megadeth toured w/ Endo back in 2001. Every night of the show, the real metal fans boo'ed Endo. after a week or two, Endo dropped off the tour and was replaced by Iced Earth. If Opeth is powerless to get rid of this band, we may have the ability.


just an idea, but who is with me??
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unknown said:
yeah, because once Opeth hears the crowd booing at their support band, they'll REALLY want to come back to America again

Exactly! I thought Opeth fans were more open-minded...

BTW, I don't like Devildriver either, but I definitely wouldn't start booing them off the stage.
unknown said:
yeah, because once Opeth hears the crowd booing at their support band, they'll REALLY want to come back to America again

I'm not sure if you remember the January tour or not(2003), but when Paradise Lost and Tapping The Vein played, they werent booed, but people just chanted opeth through their ENTIRE sets, with some booing to tapping the vein.

You think Opeth picked Devildriver or something to open this tour? hahaha. tours are booked together by promoters, bands have basically no say in the matter, so if we start booing devildriver, they'll probably be booing with us or laughing at them.
Hey, It doesn't really matter to me if Devil Driver is on the bill..I have my fave bands (I would much rather see Kataklysm and I didn't care for Tapping the Vein or Lacuna Coil on the last tour) that I want to tour with Opeth but I really have no say in the matter and this is a business run by promoters and booking agents..I may not care for Devil Driver (or Dez's old band Coal Chamber) but if the band doesn't get me going during thier set, I'll just smoke a cigarette outside the venue or have a cold beer..I'm not going to be immature about it.
Alright I've listened to them now. They're pretty average from what I've heard. One of those "nothing impressive but I certainly could not do that" kind of bands. But who knows, they might put on an entertaining show. Are they going on AFTER Moonspell? I've read a couple of things that lead me to that impression, if so, then that's crap. Moonspell has been around for years, and I think they're a great band... they deserve better than opening up for Devil Driver.

I'm not whining about them, I'd see Opeth no matter who was playing with them. Actually, I'd feel pretty damn lucky to see them play with two bands I really liked. I'm paying the ticket price to see Opeth, not "Opeth and....". Last time I saw them play was with Meshuggah who I could care less about. You don't have to clap or throw them horns or yell for them, if you don't like em just stand there. I know it's shitty, 90% of us know it's shitty but booing them onstage or whatnot isn't very mature, or respectful to them or to Opeth.

Side note: I turn 21 next month, no more X's across my hands at concerts for me! :)
unforgiven said:
Every night of the show, the real metal fans boo'ed Endo
See, this is all about a bunch of little kids worrying that they are going to get their little metal ears dirty if they listen to something that isn't considered metal enough for them, or "real metal" enough for them as you put it.

The more threads that pop up about this, the dumber and younger Opeth "fans" look.

Obviously alot of you kids haven't been to too many shows. More times than not, nobody cares about the opening band. They come to see the Headliners. Sitting through the crappy opening bands is what you do at a concert. I did it last time when I saw Opeth, and I will do it again. And so will all of you. Stop bitching.
wow i got so many heated responses to this thread . . . alas i did succeed to get a lot of people's attention.

of course this thread wasn't mature, but what does maturity have to do with this? petitioning to the management and the band doesnt work, so why not take another path. one does not need to maintain integrity. if the overwhelming majority appears to not want Devildriver on tour, why not do whatever it takes to see that it doesnt happen? why would Opeth care if we boo the Devildriver? we are at the show so we are obviously there to see another band. why should i settle with going outside to have a smoke? no logic in that.

booing the band isnt even immature, come to think of it. it's 1.) something to do as long as i have coughed up $20 for the show and 2.) RATIONAL. maybe some of y'all only go to show for the headlining band, but that pretty nonsensical. if concerts were just for the headlining band, why would they have openers?

i am tired of seeing really bad bands tour who dont deserve their spots. Devildriver may not be nu-metal, but they have nu-metal influences. i was just in a hurry to type that initial post. nevertheless, i've listened to a few of their tracks and their music is quite subpar. OPEN-MINDED? that term is used far too loosely. i appreciate many forms of music, as long as their talented and energetic. Devildriver may have energy. but i sure know that their music sucks, maybe argueably mediocre.
If we booed them that would confirm many people's beliefs that the Amerian metal scene is a bunch of losers. Trust me, I have no desire to sit through Devildriver but that would not be a cool thing to do. Walking away when they play and having them get no crowd feedback would send the message more clearly.
Beast In Flames said:
Booing them is probably gonna be fun. So, I think I'll do it.

If there's going to be you, me, Mikey and 20 of your closest friends there, I'm sure we'll be able to make an impact. By tradition, Mikey will punch the bass player in the head.