an important question for Tyr


New Metal Member
Oct 1, 2002
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Tyr i read somewhere in this forum that you use a special right hand 3 fingerstyle technique...could please teach this technique (which is different from steve d.'s technique) ???
thank you veeeeeeeeery much
Damn, Allinvain had my curiosity going there. What sort of 3 finger style is it?
3-2-1-3-2-1-3-2-1etc , with accents to even out the triplet-feel. I'm sure there are other possibillities to aviod unwanted triplet-feels , but thats how I go about it...
I've made an example with PowerTab Editor , just the basics of it , so if anyone wants it give me an email-addy to send it to.
Oh, I see. I use it on occasion. But, I do admit I don't get all the triplet feel out of it, since I don't work very hard on it. I sort of ended up taking a different approach. I do 4-3-2-1, which gives me an easy 4 note feel, and practice alot of triplets with that pattern so I can get a triplet feel when necessary. Thinking back down the years, it took a while to get my pinky up to par with the other fingers. Since it was weaker, it did have a noticeably different timbre to the notes than the other fingers. I was a huge Sheehan fan when I started off, and I thought I was copying his style of playing (but I found out later he's a 3 finger player); actually your style and his are very close.
Originally posted by Higon
So you do the triplets without sounding like a triplet? Sounds cool. Really Mcgyver stuff =D

Hehe , well , not exactly , I don't really play triplets , but when using three-finger technique it can sometimes sound like it because of the difference between each individual finger. So I just incorporate accents to even it out.
Ya, he's right. Each finger has a slightly different sound if you listen carefully. So by doing 3-2-1 a triplet sound is sort of heard because you hear 3 different sounds over and over from the fingers. (unless you have seriously hard callousses, or you play with accents to break the triplet feel caused by the individual finger sounds.)
I don't know if you guys agree, but I think the most hard part on bass playing to masterize is the right hand...

I don't mean masterizing because there is always something to improve... you know what I mean...
The bassist with the best right-hand technique (just regular playing , no slapping , tapping or stuff like that) is Gary Willis of Tribal Tech. Every other well known jazz/fusion player (Victor Wooten , Steve Bailey , Jaco , Patitucci etc) has a rather sloppy right-hand technique compared to him.
If you haven't heard him , you should most definetively check him out.
He also has a video which shouldn't be difficult to get a copy of.
If you wanna learn right hand technique , Gary is THE guy to learn it from....:)
Cool sig.

Ya Gary is very good. How someone who majored in compositional jazz guitar ended up playing fretless bass is beyond me, but I'm glad he did.

Victor is amazing, but yes, he has some slop at really fast speed. But at less than outrageous speeds he's not really that bad (if not quite accurate at times). I think it may be because he's trying to push things too hard. I can just imagine the pressure from his peers, since a large portion of musicians seem to see this potential for him to be "the best" (whatever the hell that really is).
His slop as you call it, is rather odd, during a measure he sometimes loses his timing but catches up at the end of a beat. I guess it's from his funk background with all that syncopation (that's over this white boys head).

Actually I find his sloppiest stuff is his double thumbing (kind of like doing alternate picking, but with your thumb), as amazing as it is.
Oh, and Steve Bailey has harmonics on a fretless down to an art form and has impeccable intonation, but I agree, he's sloppy as hell. Especially his solos, some are down-right gut-wrenching horrible- and I like his work for the most part. I think "kick start my harley" off of extreme bassics with wooten is my all time least favorite. The solos are horrendous, and alot of the parts are rip offs of other older songs. But, despite that one real stinker, he has some really good stuff too.

Patitucci. I have a tape or two of his stuff, but I can't get into it for some reason. I dunno.
Because Patitucci, although technically sound, is extremely boring and unimaginiative.
But for a real the opposite end of the spectrum...a guy who is a slop fest, but innovative as hell. Check out Jamaladeen Tacuma (I hate trying to spell that, I know it's wrong), he's a bassist who plays shit you would never expect to hear. He did an album with Odeon Pope...I don't know the title, I have a taped copy from one of the guitarists from Gorefest. But if anyone has a clue to what I'm talking about...set me straight on that recording.

If you guys are just looking for a "protooled" sounding player, well I guess you'll find one in your purist land. And believe me, I put Gary Willis on the top with sparse company, one of my fave's for sure. But I also like the guys who are going full-bore and playing that adventuring style. When I'm composing - slop, intonation, technicalities don't bother me; rather those atributes are my burden and baggage that I only try to minimize. But I prefer listening to the Starship Enterprize way of going where no man has gone before.
Also, Mick Karn for a good example.
hey guys what do you think about Jean Jacques Moreac? he plays bass guitar in the french avantgard death metal band called Misanthrope. he is amazing with the right hand 3 fingers technique (or 4 fingers, or 5, or 6, i think he uses also his foot fingers), tapping, slapping, harmonics ecc ecc. what do you think about him?????
Originally posted by Allinvain
hey guys what do you think about Jean Jacques Moreac? he plays bass guitar in the french avantgard death metal band called Misanthrope. he is amazing with the right hand 3 fingers technique (or 4 fingers, or 5, or 6, i think he uses also his foot fingers), tapping, slapping, harmonics ecc ecc. what do you think about him?????

I can't stand the band but he is pretty good, I wasn'nt blown away by his playing but he is pretty skilled judging from what I have heard.
Dammit!!! I wish I could use my "foot fingers"...

HA! GOTCHA! You just have to practice slowly, kepping the pattern 5-4-3-2-1-2-3-4 (eight notes). And pay attention to the accent, not accident!

Place the notes precisly in between the notes. (using a metronome)

Keep attacks even for each strike.

Pay attention to wich finger is contacting the string (difficult)

Remember to use good mutting techniques with your left foot (hahahahahaha)

It's easy to reach the low notes, but dificult with the high ones, anyway it's just a matter of traininng....

Hmmmmmm. I should write an article...
I guess you should try using your prick as a sixth finger or additional string or...whatever:lol:
Perhaps you should grow yourselves some more hands that you can masturbate while practising?!
- It's about the music, not the number of fingers...