an important question for Tyr

Hey guys, I got some groundbreaking news for you. Foot fingers are now called "toes". Now, now, I know it's all sudden. But you'll get used to it.

Since were discussing new techniques, how's this. Instead of an e-bow to vibrates the strings, how about natural gas? Yep, a plate of beans and your ready for a bass solo.

T-O-E-S? Hmmmm. Easy to spell... I´ll add it to my vocabulary.

About the Gas technique: It´s interesting, but at the same time dangerous. Think about it: A small pub. You start soloing, then all the lights fade out, then people start to light their fire (with hands up like in those boybands shows), then you put your butt in position to a "Gas vibrato" and it explodes in contact with the fire. You know natural gas IS volatile. It´s a killing spree!:eek:

And worst! People will tell their friends: "Have you seen (put your name here) playing live? He stinks at bass playing.
Hmmm? Or maybe have a flame retardant bass. (or be retarded)
But this will not fix the stink problems. Unless we follow Steve`s advice and use "Lemon Scent".

Ps: How long can we keep posting bullshit in this thread? :eek: I think I could do it forever.
I'm the master of bullshit.

Why lemon scent, who could smell it in a smoke-filled bar?
Why lemon scent

Do you remember when Master Steve told us to use Lemon Scent after taking some Big Dukes? So, if Lemon Scent could take care of Big Dukes stink, It could easily overcome the smell of any smoke-filled bar. Perhaps an Extra-large-concentrated bottle of it. And still keep the audience noses away from the Gas Technique stink.
I officially deny and renounce the word "toes". We will now and forevermore refer to our lower digits as "foot fingers".
And if any of you are hiding tails that you're afraid to show in public...let it out, and call it a "back-side prick".
And if after a long day of walking around, working and sweating in your shoes (or "foot gloves" as it were) and your foot fingers are getting a little stinky, there's always that can of lemon scent spray next to the toilet to mask that nasty foot finger odor.
Hey Steve, stinking feet is something you hardly suffer're always wearing thoes Jesus-sandals, don't you?
Man, I froze my ass off in Holland and this guy's running around half barefoted...
I officially deny and renounce the word "toes". We will now and forevermore refer to our lower digits as "foot fingers".

Well... Thinking that way, Toes seems like a non-metal attitude. I mean, "Foot-finger picking" are always more technical then "toes picking".

And if any of you are hiding tails that you're afraid to show in public...let it out, and call it a "back-side prick".

Even if it is fucking ugly? And stinks like Camel shit? I don´t know, I´m still not concerned about this...

there's always that can of lemon scent spray

You are Damn right! But if shoes are called "Foot Gloves", how do you call your Jesus-Sandals? Foot Gloves without the cover for the Foot fingers?
Ah, Jesus sandals! You must mean Holey Messiah Foot-gloves!

Or maybe if cowboy boots are shit kickers, then Steve's sandals might be "camel kickers". Camel kicking foot gloves?
But if it´s a glove, then you don´t kick, you punch. So Jesus Sandals must be called Camel punching foot gloves. But this way you punch with your foot fingers. And you walk with your foot fingers. So foot and hands are the same. So which is the diference between my head and my butt? (By the looks of all my posting, it´s not the shit, ´cause shit is comming both sides, butt and head.)

Man, I froze my ass off in Holland and this guy's running around half barefoted...

HA! Steve is lying! He CAN do foot finger picking, this is why he uses this kind of foot gloves. Cause with normal foot gloves it´s impossible to use your foot fingers. So he uses Camel punching foot Gloves.
The difference from your head and your butt? Uhhhh, tell me you don't have really foul breath, and you don't have trouble sitting down after you floss and brush your "teeth".
Well... I don´t have foul breath.

Teeth? AH YEAH! Teeth IS the diference, at least if you´re not a very old lad.

Well, hair is different too. This remember me a history of a friend with long hair. His brother said to him: "Why don´t you cut your hair like a man? It should look beautiful like my hair!" and he said: "I have a beatitul hair like yours at my butt, and crap all over it."