An open letter to Bodom

hey dipshit, if you call it a tritone CHORD (i even bolded it in the quote for you, in case you were too downy to understand :lol:), then you're basically trying to say diminished chord. a tritone is an interval (three whole steps, hence the name; A4/D5, aka the devil's interval), it's not a chord, but a diminished triad/chord does contain the tritone interval in it. and dude, wtf, a diminished triad consists of 3 notes, each with a minor third between them (1 b3 b5). if you want to start getting into sevenths and adding the fourth note, a half diminished adds the minor seven and the fully diminished adds the diminished seven. the half diminished fits diatonically into the major scale and the melodic minor scale, whereas the fully diminished appears in the harmonic minor scale, as well as the diminished scale. and there are more than two things that can be diminished ;). What would you call the interval of A - Eb? a diminished fifth :lol:. and do you even know wtf a sub chord is?

tl;dr: noob has no idea what he's talking about :lol:

Exactly. You're a moody bitch most of the time, but at least you know what you're talking about. I just can't stand when people pretend they know their shit and go like "diminished chord consists of four notes" not even realizing that there's a fucking difference between half and fully dim when the 7th comes into the game.

Whatever, metal guitar players...:Smug:
Exactly. You're a moody bitch most of the time, but at least you know what you're talking about. I just can't stand when people pretend they know their shit and go like "diminished chord consists of four notes" not even realizing that there's a fucking difference between half and fully dim when the 7th comes into the game.

Whatever, metal guitar players...:Smug:

I know that was meant to be slightly insulting, but i fucking lol'd :lol:

@Children of COB: I take theory classes at the Uni, i read theory books, and i study privately with a jazz/classical guy. My suggestion to you would be to go down to your local music store, and pick up a beginning theory workbook. something like one of these, it doesn't have to be fancy:

i like this one too

just be wary about what you buy, those corporate textbook companies like McGraw-Hill make complete shit. Don't get ripped off by something like this:

and for more advanced theory, try something like this
^Wat @ this:

Fetzer said:
ITT: New members finally expressing their rages against the regulars.

I know that was meant to be slightly insulting, but i fucking lol'd :lol:

@Children of COB: I take theory classes at the Uni, i read theory books, and i study privately with a jazz/classical guy. My suggestion to you would be to go down to your local music store, and pick up a beginning theory workbook. something like one of these, it doesn't have to be fancy:

i like this one too

just be wary about what you buy, those corporate textbook companies like McGraw-Hill make complete shit. Don't get ripped off by something like this:

and for more advanced theory, try something like this

Thanks dude, I'll take a look at those. And BTW, what are you doing at Uni that you study music theory?

man, I really miss studying music theory :( That stuff was really fun.

You used to but stopped? I remember I had like some classes when I was 8 or something, but that was really basic stuff, like the normal scale and which kind of notes there are :lol:
at Shredtastical : Hm no I know exactly what I'm talking about I know almost everything there is to know about musical theory. What I mean by tritone chord is when you take a note, you find it's tritone interval (I fucking know what is a tritone and it's interval ffs) and then you make a chord out of it. F.E you take that fundamental chord of Cm and it's tritone chord would be F#. And yeah I know the difference between a diminished chord with 4 notes and one with 3 notes I mean...come on lol....C-Eb-Gb-Bbb (if you wanna keep the good note names) A diminished chord is a symetric chord. And I really don't know why I'm writing all this like if I had something to prove but actually I'm at the University in music in Sherbrooke and get a lot of theory, arrangemet and ear training classes so I just fucking know what I'm talking about. it's just that I'm french and that maybe my words don't mean exactly what I'm trying to say so obviously it brings confusion sometimes. Well anyway
at Shredtastical : Hm no I know exactly what I'm talking about I know almost everything there is to know about musical theory.

quite the testament to your obvious infinite ignorance.

What I mean by tritone chord is

uh no, just stop there.

And yeah I know the difference between a diminished chord with 4 notes and one with 3 notes I mean...come on lol....

no, you dont. please refer to the following quote:

At Shredtastical : Well in fact there's 2 things that can be diminished : a scale and a chord. The diminished chord is when you have 4 notes with a minor 3rd between each of them.


protip: reading -my- explanation doesn't count ;)

C-Eb-Gb-Bbb (if you wanna keep the good note names)

you -always- spell in diatonic thirds (assumed closed position), or else you'd be changing the chord.

A diminished chord is a symetric chord.

congratulations, you get a cookie!

And I really don't know why I'm writing all this like if I had something to prove but actually I'm at the University in music in Sherbrooke and get a lot of theory, arrangemet and ear training classes so I just fucking know what I'm talking about. it's just that I'm french and that maybe my words don't mean exactly what I'm trying to say so obviously it brings confusion sometimes. Well anyway

your feeble attempts to rebuild your ethos are quite comical.

oh, and by the way...

(I fucking know what is a tritone and it's interval ffs)

no, no, you really don't... (see last quote)

it always amazes me how foreigners can swear flawlessly in English, yet at the same time can't craft a grammatically correct sentence :lol:

and then you make a chord out of it.

i applaud your thoroughness.

F.E you take that fundamental chord of Cm and it's tritone chord would be F#.

a TRITONE is an INTERVAL. do you fucking know what an INTERVAL is? it is the SPACE BETWEEN TWO NOTES. keyword being TWO. although, credit where credit is due, you have successfully identified an augmented fourth from C. but since you are obviously too illiterate to logically comprehend conventional prose, i emphasized the important bits for you... so just LOOK FOR THE BIG LETTERS AND YOU SHOULD GET THE GENERAL IDEA. :)
:lol: it really is once you get into it.

a TRITONE is an INTERVAL. do you fucking know what an INTERVAL is? it is the SPACE BETWEEN TWO NOTES. keyword being TWO. although, credit where credit is due, you have successfully identified an augmented fourth from C. but since you are obviously too illiterate to logically comprehend conventional prose, i emphasized the important bits for you... so just LOOK FOR THE BIG LETTERS AND YOU SHOULD GET THE GENERAL IDEA. :)

ouch, that was a bit harsh. as he said, English is not his first language, he obviously has some trouble saying exactly what he means. and once again, WHAT IS YOUR MAJOR?

I'm just curious.
loll no that's ok I mean it's only internet we agree on that so....I'm not making a big deal out of it. But I don't think I disrespected you in my later posts did I ? anyways as Mystique said english is not my first language so....but yeah I know everything you said and agree with you man!
go for music! it's obviously one of your passions, and since you already know theory, I'm sure being admitted into the music program wouldn't be so hard for you. honestly, study something you love, it'll be worth it.
go for music! it's obviously one of your passions, and since you already know theory, I'm sure being admitted into the music program wouldn't be so hard for you. honestly, study something you love, it'll be worth it.

i'd really really like to, but i just dont think i'm cut out to make it as a performer.
^Why the hell do we have to bring the same stupid thing over and over everytime someone talks about Bodom music??

Face it people: NEOCLASSICAL INFLUENCES IN ALEXI ARE DEAD! They're not coming back! That being said, tell me what from what can be found in HCD, AYDY or BD can be found in other bands. Tell me other bands that do that kind of music please.

I'm ok with people not liking them, but I hate when everybody goes ''oh noes Bodom are not Bodom anymore, they were better before'' when that's not true. Ok, neoclassical was cool and there were loads of cool harmonies and stuff, but it's not like they now stick to LOGish or Slayerish kind of riffs 24/7 lacking harmonies, melodies and cool solos. I challenge you to play Tie My Rope dual melody before the solos or Roope's melody in Smile Pretty For The Devil or Thrashed Lost And Strungout melodies or Chockehold or YBOD while singing it like Alexi used to.

Don't take it as a personal attack to anyone because it's not, but I'm fed up of people complaining about something as a band not wanting to repeat themselves and changing their style. Don't like them? Don't listen to them, but don't bitch about them not releasing a Hatebreeder II.

Now you'll all tell me that you have your rights to complain and that I'm dumb if I can't see that Hatebreeder pwns Blooddrunk, well I'm sorry but I disagree. They're quite different, but any of it is better than the others and besides, I've already said it, but I wouldn't like a band to copy themselves and keep releasing copies of their top album. And for the AYDY haters, I challenge you to look for a band that can compose an album like that in 2 months and when their main songwriter had had a serious injury before the songwriting/recording process.

We've discussed the change of style a thousand times and I think it's pretty clear that there'll always be the neoclassical lover side that will always remember the old days and the people that likes all the stuff, and noone will convice the others, so I find useless flooding all threads with it. The guy came here to write a letter to Bodom. Useless or not we don't know, but I'm sure as hell that the point of this thread was not to reopen the same old discussion which BTW won't have an ending.

You're fucking right dude

Cob Had a very big success with the first 2(or 3) album...but i think it is impossible to think that they could make 6 album at the same level of something wild or hatebreeder...
By the way i don't find anything wrong on HCD[the same hate crew deathroll,sixpounder(fucking song,fucking solo,fucking lyric),needled 24/7,bodom beach terror] or AYDY[TLS,we're not gonna fall,in yor face,living dead beat(fuck!AYDY is an album with songs that give you charga] or BD]BD,tie my rope,simle pretty,lobodomy]

We can only say that the new album are different but absolutely not worse...

About the live concert...The chaos ridden years is the best(there are the songs i love most,more or less)...and a think that alexi has made a beautiful performance...

BTW the lettar is very good and i agree with you...i know that they have other things to do...but i hope they will read it...
You obviously didn't get my point:

Cob Had a very big success with the first 2(or 3) album...but i think it is impossible to think that they could make 6 album at the same level of something wild or hatebreeder...

When did I say that? To me HCD, AYDY and BD are exactly at the same level as SW, HB and FTR.

i'd really really like to, but i just dont think i'm cut out to make it as a performer.

To me HCD, AYDY and BD are exactly at the same level as SW, HB and FTR.

Is the same i think!

Maybe you haven't understood me but the part you quoted means that SW,HB,FTR have another level...or better a different level...[like you said,the first album had a nother influence,a neoclacciacal....]
how can you say that the "new" cob or the new album are worse...
you can't.

Sorry if i've expressed badly my opinion