anaheim show tonight

Ive seen them at this exact HOB last time. I thought it was a great TINY venue to see Amon at. Im probably leaving in an hour. :kickass: I'll probably be in a white Megadeth shirt.

PS> the security at this place is pretty dick so be careful... I got kicked out last time.

Yeah its fucking small man disney/hob security are fucktards ><
see you metal heads in like 2 hours!
its funny waiting outside the HOB for a metal show and families are walking by and looking at all the metalheads and long hair and black shirts and are like "wtf"

Yeah I think their Faces would be great Photo-Material :lol:

and btw....have fun all you lucky bastards.... :rock:
dude you have no idea, i have been waiting for this day for like... since i saw them at SOTU (their set was like 6 songs which wasnt enough for me)

Yeah, as bad as it sounds I was at SOTU and didnt even see them.
Well, I heard them.
I was in line to meet Beefcake the Mighty. I must admit that was probably worth it, setlist wasn't that great. But if I didnt get a chance to see them this tour I would be beating myself up.
So pissed its a northern American tour, but I'm sure they will be back to support the lower half of the states. Make sure to post the setlist!
the show was fucking awesome, ensiferum only played for like 30-40 minutes.

loonnggg setlist from AA, fucking awesome, there are a few surprises in the setlist too.

the new songs rocked too btw
i'm pretty sure that the set list was: (correct me if i'm wrong)

**not in order**

"Twilight Of The Thunder God"
"Free Will Sacrifice"
"Guardians Of Asgaard"
"Where Is Your God?"
"Tattered Banners And Bloody Flags"
"North Sea Storm"
"The Pursuit Of Vikings"
"Amon Amarth"
"Death In Fire"
"Where Silent Gods Stand Guard"
"Valhall Awaits Me"
"Runes To My Memory"
"Gods Of War Arise"
"Cry Of The Blackbirds"

lol my neck is incredibly sore after tonight, but it was totally worth it-- AMON AMARTH! :rock: :kickass:
ya that seems to be the setlist, pursuit of vikings for the last song pwned everyone went fucking nuts
damn im digging this setlist.
especially as a big fan of the new album

what do they open up with?
im guessing TOTTG?

anyone know Ensiferum's set

gonna see this show tonight in hollywood
cant fucking wait! \m/
Tonight was fucking awesome guys! I think im gonna pick up tickets and see them again in hollywood! Pursuit of the vikings was fucking great everyone went fucking nuts :rock: CHEERS AMON AMARTH!:kickass:
damn im digging this setlist.
especially as a big fan of the new album

what do they open up with?
im guessing TOTTG?

anyone know Ensiferum's set

gonna see this show tonight in hollywood
cant fucking wait! m/

oh and not completely sure about ensiferum, but i think it was: (again, correct me if i'm wrong)

**not in this order**

"Treacherous Gods"
"One More Magic Potion"
**closer** "Hero In A Dream"
...and there was one other song that they played too, i think :rock:

lol sorry, it's always hard for me to remember set lists, even right after a show:goggly:

1-5 the order is correct
6-9 the right songs but not order (did my best so maybe)
10 Right
11-13 the right songs but order is not (again did my best to remember)
14-15 right

i could be missing one song inbetween the 6-9 but im 95 percent sure i got them all

1.Twilight of the THunder god
2. Free Will Sacrifice
3. Asator
4.north sea storm
5. Where Silent Gods stand guard
6.Valhalla Awaits Me
7.Guardians of Asgard
8.Runes come to my memory
9.Tattered banners and bloody flags
10. Amon Amarth
11.Where is your god
12. Gods of war arise
13. Death in Fire

14. Cry of the black birds (with intro)
15. Pursuit of vikings
Last night was indescribably epic. It was a small venue but mostly everyone there was a hardcore AA fan. If Johan posts the crowd picture I'll be easy to spot because I was at the very top standing on my chair in a white shirt.

Me and a couple other people got to go in before everyone else because we ate at the House of Blues, and I got their autographs and shook Johan's hand.
I was there, sorry I would have posted here yesterday but I had to work all day, the show was awesome. I got to meet with the band and got my copy of TOTTG signed, it was incredible. If you saw a guy with long curly brown hair, black shirt, and wearing two AA wristbands like a bracer on his left arm that was probably me.
ya that seems to be the setlist, pursuit of vikings for the last song pwned everyone went fucking nuts

Tomasz and other senior members of this forum will agree with me that Pursuit should not be the last song played. IMO it's overplayed just like death in fire. Yes Death in Fire is awesome but to make room for songs they have never played those are just 2 that can defenitely go. Totally shocked how Live for the Kill and Embrace is left off. Maybe they'll be switchin it up but normally when they have a setlist set they stick with it. And once again no fuckin Across the Rainbow Bridge! Olavi said more then likely theyd go with that one next time they come but instead it's one they have played many times before Where Slient Gods Stand Guard. great fuckin song but i like many others have dyin for Across. FUCKING NICE THAT THEY ARE DOIN NORTH SEA STORM. But that's really all im happy about. Very weak setlist. Pursuit may have made their name here in america but seriously you teeny bopper fans (only some) that feel this song is better then sliced bread need to get over it. The only great thing about it is the middle, the chorus is very POPPY. The lyrics are great but that chorus was just so unthem. THE FACT THIS SONG HAS TAKIN PLACE OF VICTORIOUS MARCH AS A ENDER IS APPALLING! Victorious March is a superior song. there is no debating it. I really hope they plan to switch things up. cause 3 shows does not lookin like it's gonna happen with this. I mean come on they took out 1000 years.

just make sure, im not sayin Pursuit is a really bad song and that I hate it. Im just sayin i've seen it b4 many times and it's subpar compared to other great songs they've written and again really should not be LAST. Pursuit, Asator, and Where is your god should go. Live for the Kill, Across the Rainbow Bridge, and Embrace should be added on. My gf is happy they are doin tattered banners, i fuckin owe her a dollar now. If they change it to Embrace or end up doin both it's a wash. lol

I really hope i hit the lottery so i can go to Bochum :(

Did anybody ask them if they'd ever do anything like Bochum here?
I was there, sorry I would have posted here yesterday but I had to work all day, the show was awesome. I got to meet with the band and got my copy of TOTTG signed, it was incredible. If you saw a guy with long curly brown hair, black shirt, and wearing two AA wristbands like a bracer on his left arm that was probably me.

Were you one of the people who got in early? I was the guy in the white shirt with the shaved head at the front of the line.