- Jul 20, 2008
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Tomasz and other senior members of this forum will agree with me that Pursuit should not be the last song played. IMO it's overplayed just like death in fire. Yes Death in Fire is awesome but to make room for songs they have never played those are just 2 that can defenitely go. Totally shocked how Live for the Kill and Embrace is left off. Maybe they'll be switchin it up but normally when they have a setlist set they stick with it. And once again no fuckin Across the Rainbow Bridge! Olavi said more then likely theyd go with that one next time they come but instead it's one they have played many times before Where Slient Gods Stand Guard. great fuckin song but i like many others have dyin for Across. FUCKING NICE THAT THEY ARE DOIN NORTH SEA STORM. But that's really all im happy about. Very weak setlist. Pursuit may have made their name here in america but seriously you teeny bopper fans (only some) that feel this song is better then sliced bread need to get over it. The only great thing about it is the middle, the chorus is very POPPY. The lyrics are great but that chorus was just so unthem. THE FACT THIS SONG HAS TAKIN PLACE OF VICTORIOUS MARCH AS A ENDER IS APPALLING! Victorious March is a superior song. there is no debating it. I really hope they plan to switch things up. cause 3 shows does not lookin like it's gonna happen with this. I mean come on they took out 1000 years.
just make sure, im not sayin Pursuit is a really bad song and that I hate it. Im just sayin i've seen it b4 many times and it's subpar compared to other great songs they've written and again really should not be LAST. Pursuit, Asator, and Where is your god should go. Live for the Kill, Across the Rainbow Bridge, and Embrace should be added on. My gf is happy they are doin tattered banners, i fuckin owe her a dollar now. If they change it to Embrace or end up doin both it's a wash. lol
I agree with a lot of your points, but you really can't judge this setlist unless you see them live. I think Asator is their worst song (I've heard every single song they've released, and some they haven't) but it was better with a crowd.