I mixed a song a year ago and the band decided to do a analogue mix. One of the biggest differences was the stereo field. It was so much larger on the analogue version (mixed on a trident desk) So maybe there are some benefits to do analogue summining but it is to expensive to get a great piece of gear. I would rather spend that kind of money on some compressors and eq's
i never understood people who claim there is no difference. its almost anti-professional to say "analog summing is bullshit."

there is a noticeable even effect to make a difference. i'm not going to argue which is better but i will argue that there is a difference. digital summing has its use and sound too (ask andy, james, i'm willing to bet joey sturgis also) but you can't argue that there is no difference. .........

Here's the thing though. For 99% of the people on this forum, the amount of difference is not enough to justify 1000-10000 dollars. As I've said 100 times before, adding 1db of eq to your master buss will have more effect on the sound of your track then summing, especially if you don't have decent converters.

I understand your point and it is valid, but I have to disagree.
yes cfh i agree that for most people it is an expense but it is a historically viable integral part of the chain for professional production. on a budget, its one of the last things to buy but again, the cherry on top analogy. you still need batter, dough, eggs, etc. etc. to make it but it's a nice touch and changes the way you mix.

ITB has come a long way i remember james murphy in a post a few years back talk about how pt hd has evolved so much where it has its own sound and for guys who like modern clean cut metal productions ala andy sneap then digital summing is its own tool, and another type of cherry to put on top of your cake. but dont disagree with the quote of mine you put in your reply where i basically call out people who knock it as "useless" because it is not USELESS at all. it is quite useful just when working with a budget one of the less important things. i'm more irked by people who say it makes no difference and is a waste of money than people like yourself who admit it does something but is not a necessity.

and again, im super curious if andy albums from 03-05 or in that time period were analog or ITB.