Analog vs Digital age


Feb 13, 2011
What is the difference between analog and digital? Would 'real' amps be considered analog? Would a rack with a BBE Maximizer, preamp etc... be considered analog where to an emulator of those be digital via plugin?
Analog = electrical current.
Digital = Zero's and one's.

A (delay, reverb, etc) unit or amp (line 6 pod, kemper, axe-fx) can be digital, but then it has a AD converter (analog->digital) at the input and a DA (Digital->analog) converter at the output.

If you use the digital inputs and outputs (SPDIF AES, etc), you're using the unit purely digital.
^ WTF no.

AC stands for alternative current and DC for direct current.

As an electrical engineering technician, I'm just gonna thank you for teaching me things I didn't know yet. lol

Pure AC current is analog
Digital, 0s/1s, bits, whatever, is DC most of the time.

Not trolling.
As an electrical engineering technician..
How would anyone guess that you are in this field when you make such an asinine comment that adds nothing to the discussion? One would think that someone in this field would have something useful/insightful to add to this topic.

Pure AC current is analog
Digital, 0s/1s, bits, whatever, is DC most of the time.

So this is why all my analog guitar pedals use DC adapters and 9V batteries? Or why my Analog tube amp has both AC and DC current flowing through the circuit at various points.

Sorry but no...this has nothing to do with the difference in analog and digital. And you knowing what AC and DC stand for doesn't excuse you trying to pass off your ignorance as fact.

Analog takes your analog signal and alters the electrical values with resistors, capacitors, transistors, etc, to achieve the desired sound.

Digital takes your analog signal, converts it to digital (digits-0s and 1s) and then a processor essentially emulates an analog circuit, changing the signal to achieve the desired sound.

It would have been better for you just to say "Yeah, I was trolling, that's what I was doing".
Oh, was it so unclear what I did?

0 and 1 is still DC anyway. It's a state, a logic, using DC.

Now, as I said, pure AC (a pure sine wave) is analog and comes from something real. A wave in water is analog. Sure the AC from your pick-up is redressed, is processed without interuption. I was not saying the contrary.

But still, 0s/1s, is still DC. Processed (in the processor) in DC.

So as I was replying to arvoitus who said

Analog = electrical current
Digital = Zero's and one's.

I say : Analog electrical current = AC
Digital = Zero's and one's = DC

However, DC can still be analog.

I was just not talking about the DSP when I made my comment. Just playing on the words, Analog/Digital is analog to AC/DC, as in an analogy. Thought it was not unclear.
Oh, was it so unclear what I did?

0 and 1 is still DC anyway. It's a state, a logic, using DC.

Now, as I said, pure AC (a pure sine wave) is analog and comes from something real. A wave in water is analog. Sure the AC from your pick-up is redressed, is processed without interuption. I was not saying the contrary.

But still, 0s/1s, is still DC. Processed (in the processor) in DC.

So as I was replying to arvoitus who said

Analog = electrical current
Digital = Zero's and one's.

I say : Analog electrical current = AC
Digital = Zero's and one's = DC

However, DC can still be analog.

I was just not talking about the DSP when I made my comment. Just playing on the words, Analog/Digital is analog to AC/DC, as in an analogy. Thought it was not unclear.

You're so damn insufferable :lol:
Oh, was it so unclear what I did?

0 and 1 is still DC anyway. It's a state, a logic, using DC.

Now, as I said, pure AC (a pure sine wave) is analog and comes from something real. A wave in water is analog. Sure the AC from your pick-up is redressed, is processed without interuption. I was not saying the contrary.

But still, 0s/1s, is still DC. Processed (in the processor) in DC.

So as I was replying to arvoitus who said

Analog = electrical current
Digital = Zero's and one's.

I say : Analog electrical current = AC
Digital = Zero's and one's = DC

However, DC can still be analog.

I was just not talking about the DSP when I made my comment. Just playing on the words, Analog/Digital is analog to AC/DC, as in an analogy. Thought it was not unclear.

Edison was sure as hell working with those 1's and 0's when trying to push DC as an infrastructure, right?
You are both right. AC/DC doesn't stand for Analog/Digital. And by being obstinate you get better at writting ostinatos :zombie:

Anyway, what I mean is that :
Analog = electrical current.
Digital = Zero's and one's.
both are currents.

Now, for my take on it, I don't mind. I like the precision of digital (I'll take a digital delay any day over the other).
I didn't think AC/DC recorded with anything digital, they were all analogue to tape and that's why they're not on iTunes/Spotify because they don't want their music digitised. So why do they have DC in their name?
I didn't think AC/DC recorded with anything digital, they were all analogue to tape and that's why they're not on iTunes/Spotify because they don't want their music digitised. So why do they have DC in their name?

Hahaha lol :lol: +infinite