Anathema Covers Compilation At Last !!!

whatever bout the chocolate.
dancos: I'm having a date with her on the 24th may. perhaps next weekend too. :p :Saint:
Ill play 'My Electricity' acoustic and sing along. with a dance act. and Ill buy her a beer instead of diet coke. and kebab. beat that :p
okay may song, right. so whats about it? whats your point?

and i have heavy belgian chocolate bars. booooh
and for the toy... she has me :p
The winner is Duncan, with the 3 magic words : Diet coke, maysong and kinder eggs:loco:
With an extra bonus for the barry white voice.:Spin:

Kebab & beer...:sigh: .. save this for Thortyr !! :Smug:
Lenore said:
alright where can i take your material?

29 rue François de la Rochefoucauld
91170 Viry-chatillon ;)

No seriously my cover will be uploaded in the days to come, i'm waiting for me mate to finish the basslines and mixing :grin:
we shall meet tomorrow to see that. And maybe begin the recording of the long awaited true Surgikal Waste version of '666'