Anathema in Paris ( setlist included )


Don't mean nothin'
Dec 9, 2001
A Nation on Fire
Just attended my sixth Anathema show yesterday night. Their first gig in Paris for two years and their first at the Elysée Montmartre ever ( They had always played smaller venues such as the Locomotive or the Club Dunois ) .
The first surprise of the night was danny's new haircut , his dreadlocks are gone , they must have fallen during the night ... ( I hope I'm not revealing a secret hehe ) .
The quality of the sound was incredibly good compared to the other bands I had seen there a few days before ( Machine Head , Fear Factory , Devin Townsend ) , you could hear everything distincly , especially vinny's acoustic guitar and voice which was perfect during the whole show ( or maybe not on One Last Goodbye but nevermind ... ) . Danny was really inspired in his guitar solos even if he plays less on feedback than before ;-( and I was amazed at his backing vocal parts ... heartbreaking ... He even made the lead vocals along with his brother on Comfortably Numb .Nothing particular to mention about John and the bass guitar player ( who is still stuck in the corner of the stage ).
The crowd was really responsive to the emotion of the show , they clapped cheerfully and even sang along on Fragile Dreams.
To conclude with , a special mention to Danny for his attempts to speak French to the audience ( nous aussi on t'aime ;-) )
Now I'm gonna give the set list so if you want to keep the surprise for the forthcoming shows , stop reading !!

Intro ( Eternity part II remix ) / Pressure / Deep / Pitiless / Forgotten Hopes / Destiny is Dead / Empty / Looking Outside Inside / Leave No Trace / Angelica / Nocturnal Emission ( yeah , you're not dreaming ... ) / Make It Right / AFDTE / Temporary Peace / A Dying Wish ( with Shroud of Frost spoken part during the break ) / Inner Silence

First Encore : One Last Goodbye / Fragile Dreams ( slow version , harrowing ) / Judgement / Jam / 2000 & Gone

Last Encore : Comfortably Numb
Before begining, excuse my poor English :)
I agree with all you have said ... it was simply fabulous ...
Especially Dying Wish and One Last Goodbye for myself.

When i was in the crowd, at the end, i have heard that the show had been recorded and will be up, on the net soon, so if someone have news about this Anathema Bootleg @ Paris, email me please :)

Anathema, best group ever !
Originally posted by Ezkielh
Before begining, excuse my poor English :)
I agree with all you have said ... it was simply fabulous ...
Especially Dying Wish and One Last Goodbye for myself.

When i was in the crowd, at the end, i have heard that the show had been recorded and will be up, on the net soon, so if someone have news about this Anathema Bootleg @ Paris, email me please :)

Anathema, best group ever !

Alors comme ça le concert a été enregistré ?? Si jamais tu as des nouvelles n'hésites pas à nous avertir ici ! Ca m'intéresse ;-)

Does anybody can tell me how was the guy who recorded the show ?? :cry: Because a friend of mine may would have recorded the show but I did not see him for the moment .

Anyway, I will let you know if I get it.

Moreover, does anybody have some pictures from the show in Paris ??

Originally posted by cedarbreed
a special mention to Danny for his attempts to speak French to the audience

and italian here in milan. now we know what he does the evening before a gig ;)
he also had the nerve to sing a little bit of "dimmi quando tu verrai", a kind of thirty-years-old or more popular boring song, here. :goggly: