AnathemA - New Track/Accepting Donations.

David Gold

Son of the Darkest Blues
Feb 20, 2004
No hometown, Ontario.
From BW&BK: ANATHEMA Post New Track Online (2006-04-18 09:27:07)
UK metallers ANATHEMA have posted the following update at their official website:

"Greetings to all...

Here we present a brand new Anathema song called 'Everything'.

It has been recorded and mixed by the band, independent of any record company.

We decided to give this song directly to the public as soon as it was finished, as a thank you to all those people who have kept faith with Anathema and what we are doing.

Anathema presently has no record deal.

For this reason we have included a DONATE OPTION, where you can help the band by donating a small amount to the process of recording our new record. In return, we will present more songs for you to download over the coming weeks and months. These versions will be exclusive and not available anywhere else.

Here is an opportunity for people to support a band directly, instead of filling the pockets of anonymous businessmen.

The sentiment of this song is one of hope. Of truth. We are very proud of it. We hope you enjoy listening to it as much as we enjoyed creating it.

...with respect from Anathema."

Donations can be made at this location. Check out 'Everything' here.

I myself am a HUGE Anathema fan and have enjoyed their music for years already. I'll be sending them a few bucks. They deserve my support just for having written "Are You There?" from the "Natural Disaster" album. + If you haven't seen it yet, check out the "Were You There?" Live DVD. It is truly moving!

Please support this band and keep them going! :kickass:

Your thoughts...?
I agree with you about 'Are you There' soo much much emotion in that song as with most of their tracks...but that one really hits home.

Cheers for the link to the song it is sweet and lush...Id love to hear a whole Anathema album in this vein its alot more optimistic sounding. Hope the fellas get a decent record deal soon, with the right exsposure they could be huge.
It's a fucking tragedy that they're unsigned. What is wrong with the music industry? WHY were they dropped? It doesn't make sense to me. This is a great track, and I'll probably send them $10 - $20 when i get paid on Friday.
Will Bozarth said:
? WHY were they dropped?

I Think Music for Nations collapsed...left Opeth unsigned aswell, but as you prolly know they are on Roadrunner now.
I would be suprised if they are not picked up soon....seeing what a established act they had become. About to check the new track out...

Heh, I havent any money to give them, but if they wanted I could record them for free at school(yes we have some good studios, our school is the home of Master Mix) but they would have to deal with teh n00b engineer, me atm :-p would be sweet...except the band/fans would kill me afterwards :-)
I can't believe they've remained unsigned this long either. It's not like they're some up-and-coming band. They're an established, wonderful band who I've been listening to for a while now. Hopefully they can get the help they need.
As far as I can tell, Anathema is still unsigned, but I honestly don't think that will be a problem for them. They have enough of an established name to where they can sell plenty of albums by signing only distribution and licensing deals. The only thing they would really need is the right kind of managenment to help sort through all the BS. If this works out for them, they could end up earning back much more of the recording costs than if they were on a large label. The only real drawback to this approach is that it will prevent from reaching the status of a band like Coldplay but honestly, does anyone really want that?
I think it's great that they're releasing this album unsigned. The whole DIY thing is definitely a difficult task, especially if they're seeking to keep the quality of the album as good as their past releases.

I'm very excited for the new album.

Edit: The link to "Everything" seems to be down, but it works if you just go to the official site and follow the links. It plays in the page
natural disaster album
i listen to that whenever i am feelin in the shitter and it always picks me up

love this group