Anathema on Spanish Telly!


Proper Bo
Jul 10, 2002
Just got these details from our representative in Spain about the broadcast:

Good news is that we finally have a date for the broadcast: Wednesday 30th
June (the day after tomorrow) from 01:00 (the time may vary slightly) in Los
Conciertos de Radio 3 via LA2 de TVE. More details in spanish can be found here

Apart from this, the show will be aired through Radio 3 on the same day from
22:00 onwards.
Thanks to Angel for his help in making this happen...

We'll have more updates on our site soon enough now that the gigs are over...
although we knew it, it's nice to have the final confirmation from the band... i didnt know the whow would be aired in the radio too... ill try to record the show in mp3,apart from the video
Morpheus said:
somehow it doesn't work. The real media link says that the link is too old and that the player can't connect.

keep trying, it works for me, maybe it was down when you tried it... anyway im recording it to mp3 directly from the radio, so in case you cannot listen it, ill upload it somewhere or ill have it in slsk
Oceana said:
keep trying, it works for me, maybe it was down when you tried it... anyway im recording it to mp3 directly from the radio, so in case you cannot listen it, ill upload it somewhere or ill have it in slsk

cheers mate, i'll keep trying it. Don't think i will be able to listen to it, cause it's during the semis tonight ;) So it's slsk this time!
John Carvajal said:
am confused 22:00 or 1:30 am its very diferent

if it was 1:30 am 30 june it passed long time ago :( lol


well in spain theres no shitty am/pm so I may be wrong

THE TRUTH: 9 hours to go since this momment
... 22:00 it's the radio show and then at 01:30 more or less it's the video show (same concert as in the radio but in video), so the vid show is aired 3 hours later than the radio show... now it's 16:45 in my computer, 6 hours to go for the radio one and 9 hours for the video one
a natural disaster
temporary peace
1 minute of Pressure

good show and good sound (well see how it turns in the video one)... the girl who presents show tells that their first album is called "futurists" and not "serenades" :OMG: ... it's suposed that the video will contain from closer to flying... it would have been nice to have judgment or fragile dreams in the set, but that's ok, well have to wait to the anathema dvd to see more from them
I sure hope someone can put a DivX (or something like that) version somewhere on the net! (after it is broadcasted on tv of course)....

I only got the webcast recorded.... but still it sounded real cool. :D
lol, they suck sooooo much :) They're worse than support before Katowice gig :loco:
Hope to see anathema soon I've got to wake up early