Anathema support bands


problem solver
Dec 4, 2003
Wat was the best Anathema support band you saw?

It has just been confirmed that the support band for the Tilburg gig next friday (23 januari) will be the band of my friends: LAWN :hotjump:

They are from Groningen and play melancholic (post)rock, a bit heavier than Anathema (but not dissimilar) and with more emphasis on guitars than on vocals. They just had a small hit "Fix" here in Holland (with female vocals by Anneke from The Gathering!!! no she will not join them on friday). On you can hear "Fix".
It must've been Udo in Greece :lol: :lol:

(that was the only time I've seen the bunch. so far :D )


now I can't remember the playing order anymore. Maybe anathema 'supported' Udo? :ill: oh well, it was a small fest anyway.
I went to Anathema with Moonspell and Therion. Was a fuc$=* good package. But in fact at the last minute Anathema cancelled and I saw only Moonspell and Therion.

Hmm, I see, I see, in a few years Anathema and Antimatter will become so huge and famous that U2 will be the opening act for them
hm I saw Anathema at the Wave Gotik Festival in Leipzig 2000, that was weird, they played as headliner in the metal tent at 2 in the morning, the day when the whole festival got fucked up... I guess they werent so happy about playing so late, anyway they performed the songs quite fast and aggressive, was a bit of a different Anathema show but it was still great of course, ppl banged their head off!!!!
DragonLady1 said:
hm I saw Anathema at the Wave Gotik Festival in Leipzig 2000, that was weird, they played as headliner in the metal tent at 2 in the morning, the day when the whole festival got fucked up... I guess they werent so happy about playing so late, anyway they performed the songs quite fast and aggressive, was a bit of a different Anathema show but it was still great of course, ppl banged their head off!!!!

Strange that you mentioned this gig. I saw them the day before the Wave Gotik Treffen on a gig in Offenbach (next to Frankfurt). It had only been announced two days before and only on the Anathema homepage. This was great, only 25 people in the hall and they played some very special Jeff Buckley versions and the last song was a Nirvana-song which was performed only by Vincent. I will never forget this concert it was fucking great, especially the jam-session in front of the venue. First this gig and then WGT, must have been a strange weekend for them... :err:
Well, I've seen Anathema almost 10 times live and all the support bands were either lame, bad, boring or not my cup of tea... In fact I don't even remember half of them..........

There was maybe only Alastis that was ok, it was at my 1st Anathema gig, Dunois - Paris - 1996 - Eternity tour :D
cedarbreed said:
Well, I've seen Anathema almost 10 times live and all the support bands were either lame, bad, boring or not my cup of tea... In fact I don't even remember half of them..........

There was maybe only Alastis that was ok, it was at my 1st Anathema gig, Dunois - Paris - 1996 - Eternity tour :D
Same here, Alastis is the best support band I've seen so far.
The gig with Tiamat was ok tho I was totally dissapointed that their frontguy couldn't growl the deep vocals as deep as on the CD.. And still that was the only Tiamat gig I saw where I didn't have to concentrate on not falling asleep
The band Anathema had as the opening act the last time at the Z7 was really bad and the ones in Lyon were just horrible. I mean there were even some bandmembers (from Anathema ;) ) who had to laugh when those guys started to play *gg*. Hope it'll be a bit better this year :) ..