Anathema support bands

The first time I saw Anathema was on the Dynamo Open Air (R.I.P.) in 1996 (I am getting old... :erk: ) It was kind of fun, because someone forget to switch off the lights in the tent. It was great they doomed the Dynamo... The band that played before Anathema were Orphanage I think...
Eos said:
The gig with Tiamat was ok tho I was totally dissapointed that their frontguy couldn't growl the deep vocals as deep as on the CD.. And still that was the only Tiamat gig I saw where I didn't have to concentrate on not falling asleep
Hey, I saw Tiamat last year and aside from the bass player terrible vocals Edlund was still in shape and it was a really nice show :yell: . He was never a growler anyway. :grin:
talking bout Leipzig 2000, just found the review I wrote of it then, this is about Anathema, so there's a part of the playlist as well ;)

"Mit erstaunlicher Härte legten die Engländer dann los, vielleicht waren sie genervt von der vielen Warterei, auf jeden Fall war eine ganze Portion ungewohnter Agression in ihren Stücken zu bemerken. Das kam aber nicht schlecht an zu so später Stunde und die Playlist war einfach ein Genuß für ANATHEMAfans! Deep, Angelica, Empty, One Last goodbye oder das legendäre Sleepless, es fehlte nichts, außer ihr übliches Abschlußlied A dying wish, aber dafür reichte die Zeit leider nicht mehr, immerhin war es schon nach 3 Uhr morgens! Zum Trost gabs aber ein Pink Floyd Cover und das Sex Pistols Cover Pretty Vacant, daß die Jungs zusammen mit TIAMAT sangen, die ja leider nicht mehr auftreten konnten."

nice memories! :hotjump:
I saw them as opener for Tiamat, but on all the other gigs they were headliner and I think the best one I saw was the first day of the Istanbul gigs, this was so great!!! the second days was a bit weird as there was a problem with electricity and we all were sitting in the dark for about one hour.... :ill:
Cerulean said:
Saturnus... :(
They've made me favourite doom metal record ever: Paradise Belongs to You. Wow.
I guess the next album will suck, and The Loveless ain't that great either, and it's nothing like Saturnus.

I've had my doubts on Saturnus without Kim Larsen as well, but they're still insisting there'll be a new one, so I'll keep a little faith. For nothing else then for Thomas AGs complimenting favourite footie club :Spin:

I thought The Loveless was ok, "Deceiver" is one great song, they're history now as well for all I hear.

Kim Larsen is busy with his solo project :Of The Wand And The Moon:, it's nothing like neither Saturnus nor The Loveless, however. Its extremely laid back, but I like it quite much.
Allan said:
:Of The Wand And The Moon:, it's nothing like neither Saturnus nor The Loveless, however. Its extremely laid back, but I like it quite much.
oh yeah, i got it from Dwra the other day, it's really nice, nice instrument usage as well - completely different to the Saturnus stuff, yesh.
i was on that wgt 2000 as well, only i didn't have the nerve to stay there till the end. after it was announced that most of the confirmed bands wouldn't play anymore i was just fuckin' mad. that festival was even more fucked up than dynamo 99, and i hardly thought it possible.
DragonLady1 said:
agree, Tiamat is still nice nowadays, specially when they play Gaia!! greaaaat song!!!!!!!!!
Yes, that is a great song. That was the only song I was hoping for on the last gigs I saw them but somehow I had the feeling that they were playing a valium version of it :hypno:
They did some great ones till Skeleton Skeletron. I find the stuff after thatone (and actually the most stuff ON thatone) simply boring. But it's a matter of taste anyway.