and justice for bass

very cool sounding. I don't know what it is, but I love the sound of a strong bass guitar (IE Iron Maiden and Sabbath). It just adds a new level to the music when your listening to it. Sometimes you can't tell the difference between the harmonies and it makes the music sound that much more complicated which is great.
Well, on one hand bass = good...on the other, it just seemed kinda awkward, like they just jammed the bass in there. It really screwed up the equilibrium of the music...I prefer the original. Maybe one day they'll do it right, but until then I have my live versions.

the alumnus said:
sorry, my internet connection is tepid now, and i cannot send mp3's. maybe PM me your address and i'll mail you a cdr.

Hey, alumnus, my email address is
I want in on some of this newfound bass action on this album
I will give you my address if you email me.