And Justice For Bass....

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Just cause your midi setup sucks doesn't mean my music has keyboards in it. I've told you before, it's all guitar, bass and drums except for three songs, and I know you couldn't have heard two of them (cause they weren't on the internet). But I'm sure you don't really care for facts, people around here just seem to go with whoever says the 'snappiest' come-back, or whatever you want to call it. :err: Maybe if you looked at things without a huge fucking bias you'd enjoy life more. Besides you guys - if you even count, cause I know you didn't give it a chance, or couldn't, cause of the quality - every single person it's ever been shown to in my knowledge loves my music. So I guess all I can do is refer to the latest song I wrote...... Fuck Off! :D

I think the last great Metallica disc is whatever you think it is... personally I enjoy the Black Album the most, as some of you already know, since it seemed to shatter your world, with Master of Puppets in second (for various reasons). Ride would be 3rd, Justice fourth, and Kill Em All (No Remorse is the only track that really catches my hear) is my least favorite. The others are unmentionable...
Stun said:
I think the last great Metallica disc is whatever you think it is... personally I enjoy the Black Album the most, as some of you already know, since it seemed to shatter your world, with Master of Puppets in second (for various reasons). Ride would be 3rd, Justice fourth, and Kill Em All (No Remorse is the only track that really catches my hear) is my least favorite. The others are unmentionable...
I was just Kidding about the keyboards dry humor Stun........& your quote above, I remember our little exchange(months ago), but I'll say this..............Forgive him Lord, he is young, and knows not what he posts!............I hate to think how Off. Nice will respond?........Calling In The Coroner.............Off Nice.....Where are you?
Oh, sorry... I wasn't sure if you were joking, after all the shit I've seen ppl say... I figured you weren't. Once again, my bad. But what I said is still very much applicable to certain individuals. I was thinking of when everyone told me "my keyboards suck" and shit... :rolleyes: :err: :Spin:

About the rest: ah yes, the standard logic around here... if they don't share my opinion, they're wrong! :p I don't even wanna know if you're joking... heheh
Well, that was to be expected. :D Although you said everything I thought you'd say, you said it in a much nicer way than I thought you would! I guess you really are Officer Nice now... anyhow, yeah, I forgot about the bass solo, that's cool shit... but I really don't see much special on Kill Em All... and yes, Master of Puppets and Ride the Lightning are chock-full of metal, no doubt about it. They are good, even excellent, hell maybe even ground-breaking albums. Maybe not. It doesn't matter. What matters is that metal is not everything there is to music, and metal is everything there is to these two albums, basically. I don't like listening to 700% metal all the time, I like variety and rock and all sorts of shit... hence, I like the Black Album, which has variety and rock and some other sorts of shit. See what I'm getting at now?

The only really stupid thing you said is one of the most common things I seem to hear "oh yeah, you're Canadian HARHARHARHARHARHARHHAHAHahahhahahah!!!!111112"

PS Uh why were you gonna go on a big Canada-Hates-America speech??? o_O
Finally someone who knows something .........your exactly right.........I've talked to Jason personally, and he admits he got robbed by The Mix & Mastering, James & Lars had him turned down in final production stages, and he was not happy at all with how weak the Bass came out..........I wish Jason could hear this mix, he'd be smiling..........big time!
So what's the official story... did they turn it down because they actually thought the mix sounded better with no bass, or were they not happy with Jason's performance, or did they turn it down out of some weird respect to Cliff? none of which make sense.. they pretty much let him ham it up on the GDRR EP, and he sounded great on that.
toilethead said:
So what's the official story... did they turn it down because they actually thought the mix sounded better with no bass, or were they not happy with Jason's performance, or did they turn it down out of some weird respect to Cliff? none of which make sense.. they pretty much let him ham it up on the GDRR EP, and he sounded great on that.
Story is James & Lars do what they want........& Kirk & Jason do what they want............end of story.
OfficerNice said:
I'm right here. I must tell you, it's awesome to be summoned by DE...........

So he likes the Black Album. I thought it was called "The BLANK Album"
cause it was sssooo horrible but hey, to each their own. How you
could possibly be a metal fan and put the blank album ahead of Master
of Fucking Puppets, one of the best heavy metal albums of all fucking
time is beyond me, but hey, you're canadian, anything's possible.
This proves it. No offense. How you could like the blank album over
Ride the Lightning stumps me too but I fall back on the canadian thing
again cause how you can say you enjoy "Nothing Else Matters" and
"Enter Sandman" and awful shit like that over "Fight Fire With Fire"
"Ride the Lightning" "For Whom the Bell Tolls" "Fade To Black" "Trapped
Under Ice" "Creeping Death" and "Call of Ktulu" is just simply unimaginable
but then again Loverboy is from Canada and so is Celine Dion and April
Wine and Glass Tiger and Aldo Nova and The Killer Dwarfs.
and only liking one song off Kill Em All? Whoaaa......Unreal.
Excuse me? "Hit the Lights", Bass Solo, "Seek and Destroy" "Phantom
Lord" "Jump in the fucking Fire" "Motorbreath" "The Four Horsemen"
"Whiplash" Do these ring a bell???? They're awesome metal banging
raging riff filled songs. The Alcoholica "Drink Em All" Album? Whoa.
If you own these CD's...sell them. Let them go to good use instead of
collecting dust on your shelf.

What we can see by looking at metal-history is that once Cliff died,
Metallica was all about James and Lars' egos. Justice has no bass and
like 70,000 layers of guitars and drums and the sound is flatter than
Celine Dion's chest. The only redeeming thing was "Harvestor of Sorrow"
in a live setting cause metal kids love it when the singer spits on stage.
According to James and Lars (The Keebler Elf) ,Cliff wanted them to
carry on but wouldn't Cliff want there to a visible presence of bass
guitar on the album? Let's face it, Those first 3 albums with Cliff are
pure metal and the best we'll ever get from Metallica in regards to
original material. I love the original garage re-re disc which is covers
but really cool metal nonetheless.
Off Nice.........We grew up the same.............Metal minded...........I tried months ago to talk sense to Stun about Metallica.........I'm glad you typed that out(I did'nt have to....Ha Ha...)..........but you covered all the your very astute and indepth way...........Kids nowadays just baffle me.........I guess the first 3 Metallica's & even And Justice......are just to heavy for him.......he likes The More Commerical, shorter songs, more radio airplable, groomed Bob Rock Rock'n Rollica........But to each his own.....Some of us were meant to Bang..........and some of us were meant to be part of the Mainstream Candy Boys Club.........At least we know where we stand, & where Stun buys his Candy!
OfficerNice said:
Lars talks to the Accountant and then Lars explains it to James in
simple syllables so James can explain it "MONEY...GOOD! "

That is some great shit...........Off. Nice the comedian........Good Cop!
Jeez man, haven't you learned anything? Your opinion isn't a fact. Why is that so hard to understand? It has nothing to do with length of songs or "heaviness"... :err: You can't "talk sense into me" because I've already been down the "Master of Puppets is the greatest thing ever" road. I'm done with my obsession with chunky riff after chunky riff. Every metalhead goes through this phase and some never move on. Like you, and most other thrash-heads... this isn't necessarily a bad thing, but I don't share your obsession anymore. Okay?
Stun said:
Jeez man, haven't you learned anything? Your opinion isn't a fact. Why is that so hard to understand? It has nothing to do with length of songs or "heaviness"... :err: You can't "talk sense into me" because I've already been down the "Master of Puppets is the greatest thing ever" road. I'm done with my obsession with chunky riff after chunky riff. Every metalhead goes through this phase and some never move on. Like you, and most other thrash-heads... this isn't necessarily a bad thing, but I don't share your obsession anymore. Okay?
It's are opinions............of your opinions................end of it.........:Spin:
Officer stole his comedy act from Camp Chaos. :p

I like the Black Album. Not as much as the mighty First Four, but it's good, solid Heavy Fucking Metal.

I do not, however, like this remix. It sounds forced and unnatural, kinda like they...just threw in the bass on top of everything else....ohhhhhhh. ;)

It would sound good if someone (er, Metallica?) re-recorded the whole thing, or at least added in the bass with a degree of professionalism, but it just sounds like a hack job. Nice effort, though.
Pyrus said:
Officer stole his comedy act from Camp Chaos. :p
as a matter of fact thats my point of reference ,
but I wouldnt say steal bcuz I got so many
emails about camp chaos during the napster fiasco I pretty figgered
everybody knew about it. They're still out there.
Was it terribly improper not to cite it from the start? dontgiveashit.
The Lars stuff is true. Metallica wouldn't be rich as hell today without
Lars. James is a redneck. I am a redneck.....we're simple creatures.
I met James Hetfield in SF years ago on more than one occasion....
talking to him, you'd understand why this is funny, and I thought
maybe DE knowing Het much much more than I do, thought the same.
Which is why he thought it was funny. maybe?
I dunno. Who knows maybe I'm the only who sees it.
Maybe it's a guy thing. Maybe it's a redneck thing.
Maybe I'm full of shit.whatever, but at least I lived it.
I simply just dont fucking give a shit anymore.

Shaking Head.
I'm actually just really sick of my balls being broken by a bunch of 18 year
olds who like to show me they know everything but have very little
in the experience dept.
In the last 2 weeks, it's been the Halford/Schaffer thing and then
the Exodus thing and now this. Who needs it????
It's a speck in the spectrum....not worth the bullshit.
This used to be a place where you could reminisce and just make
fun of shit and have some laughs. Now it's just ball breaking.....
shaking head.

I'm sick of older-than-18 year olds telling me that their opinions are facts... and that Halford thing, omg... I can't beleive how fucking stupid all you old timers were acting on that. The guy NEVER said - UGhgaugh I don't even wanna go back there. I've repeated what he originally said over and over and no one listens, to me or him, so I won't bother. Needless to say, a lot of ppl misunderstood him and flew off the handle (something just about EVEYRONE does on this board, me included). :erk:

Get it out of your fucking heads that age equals the ability to tell people their opinions are wrong... Jesus Christ it's not like any of you act your age, so you've kinda shot yourself in the foot there, even if what you seem to think had a ounce of sense in it (which it most certainly does not, jeez). Pyrus is, by far, one of the most mature individuals I've talked to on this board... and he's my age! Or maybe a bit younger or older, I don't know for sure. Just because your older, doesn't mean you're better, smarter, or that you're opinions mean more than mine. I've never claimed to know more than you, all I've ever stated were my opinions and observations on music. Many times these have not coincided with your beliefs. Oh well. I've tried to present my points over and over and almost no one even considers what I say... and I've never made sweeping generalizations like "keyboards suck", or "all east coast thrash sucks" or "keyboards suck unless they're 'done right'", whatever that means. :rolleyes: (I'm not just referring to you here, Officer Nice, not at all)

You know, there's a reason people grow old and die... cause they're fucking obsolete and the human race needs to move on...... no offense, but you're just an older model. That doesn't mean I'm "better" than you, but it's reality. Your views are forever changed by the environment you grew up in, and I can see you're the type that doesn't change easily once you've got an opinion on something. I'm still changing, and will keep changing until the day I die. I won't stop learning, like you obviously have. If you never got past "my opinions are not facts" (I figured that out when I was about 4 years old) then I don't think there's any reason to even bother discussing anything with you anymore.
You know Stun, I wasnt directing my post at you...until now.

Stun said:

mine is shut up.

Get it out of your fucking heads that age equals the ability to tell people their opinions are wrong...
I've never ever said to you "that is wrong" "you are wrong"
Never said it to Pyrus Never said it to you so shut your piehole
and you indicated as such as valid the other night Barbara.

Just because your older, doesn't mean you're better, smarter, or that you're opinions mean more than mine.
Actually it does but this is just the dumb ass shit kids like you rant on
and on and on and drone and whine on about because well, you're a kid
who still suffers from a tormenting Oedipus Complex and you're highly
sensitive and overly neurotic and you just need to lighten up and go
smoke a joint. Get over yourself. The world doesn't revolve around young
punks like you. It revolves around us folks older than you cause we
are the ones who made the world cool place that it is. You're Welcome.

I've never claimed to know more than you, all I've ever stated were my opinions and observations on music.
I have never claimed to know more than anyone on this board numnuts
and that includes you so shut up. For anything I know, DE can trump my
ass in 1 move and I know it cause I know who he is and how long he's
been a part of my beloved scene. I have experience. I have seen it
and heard it and been there and moshed to it before you were tying
And as it pertains to Pyrus, I've asked for his opinions and some of
them have been quite interesting but I never said he was wrong and I
never said he was stupid. You can look at his posts.

Many times these have not coincided with your beliefs. Oh well. I've tried to present my points over and over and almost no one even considers what I say... and I've never made sweeping generalizations like "keyboards suck", or "all east coast thrash sucks" or "keyboards suck unless they're 'done right'", whatever that means. :rolleyes: (I'm not just referring to you here, Officer Nice, not at all)
I certainly fucking hope you're not referring to me one bit.
I never said anywhere in the slightest regards keyboards suck because
there are keyboards on the best Queensryche records and keyboards
on FF's Demanufacture which I love. And never anywhere did I say
east coast thrash sucks because I am one of the hugest Nuclear Assault
Fans (can you say live at Hammersmith Odeon?) of all time but you
brought my name up so eat my shorts.

You know, there's a reason people grow old and die...
cause we're tired of young scroats bitching?
cause they're fucking obsolete and the human race needs to move on......
Or we're too afraid of how young idiots like you are gonna fuck up our
hard work that made our world a better place and we've worked
hard enough to earn the reward of not suffering that fate.

no offense, but you're just an older model. That doesn't mean I'm "better" than you, but it's reality.
No offense taken. I'd rather be as old as I am than be fucked up
and neurotic like most teenagers seem to be. Besides age has its benefits
and rewards. Some people say men arent worth piss til they hit 30.
Young buck, we don't get older, we get BETTER, just like wine.
You'll get there one day....just chill the fuck out. And men fuck better
as they get older because they learn how their bodies work instead of
just hammering away.....So why would I want to be 18 again? Yeah right

Your views are forever changed by the environment you grew up in, and I can see you're the type that doesn't change easily once you've got an opinion on something.
That would be the uh Bay Area circa long time ago yes.
I change all the time. My clothes, my curses, my beers, the cds in my
truck, my pickup lines on girls, and the hand I use to give you the middle
finger. What's your point?

I'm still changing, and will keep changing until the day I die. I won't stop learning, like you obviously have. If you never got past "my opinions are not facts" (I figured that out when I was about 4 years old) then I don't think there's any reason to even bother discussing anything with you anymore.
Jesus Christ on the cross already. You're more whiny and long winded
than Fucking Oprah. I bet your girlfriends come over and borrow your
dresses. Shit. I never said I knew better than anyone else and I never
said I was smarter than anyone else numnuts. You can grep for it
all you want but you wont find it cause I never said it. You are exactly
proving my point in the first place. more 18 year olds busting my balls.
Why dont you grow some hairs on your baby nuts before you talk shit
to me. All we want when we grow older is just a little fucking respect
for having been around and seen and done what you young bucks revere
and respect as much as we do.

You change? Sorry, you'll always be a canadian male which means polar
bears will always be afraid of being molested by you and you have shitty
taste in metal. I said before I have nothing against you. WTF is your
problem Shirley? I've defended my ground once now and I dont need
to defend it anymore to a punkass like you.
Now run along and go play with your dolls.
Dont bother replying, I dont plan on returning.

Lashing out the action, returning the reaction
Weak are ripped and torn away
Hypnotizing power, crushing all that cower
Battery is here to stay


220 Connection closed.
connection reset by remote host.
OfficerNice said:
............ you'll always be a canadian male which means polar
bears will always be afraid of being molested by you and you have shitty
taste in metal. I said before I have nothing against you. WTF is your
problem Shirley? I've defended my ground once now and I dont need
to defend it anymore to a punkass like you.
Now run along and go play with your dolls.
Dont bother replying, I dont plan on returning.........
Well Off. Nice ...............I used to use the Canada Card, with him long ago,
I agree with your observations.........Canadians are a tricky lot.......Tharsh is from know........yes its a young, long winded, Emotionally bent, Canadian male, need we say more........I love it when you unlesh your type written reply's..............These are just our opinions........But The Older Models can kick the shit out of the younger ones in real life, the young ones will always talk it up on the computer, but Puss out in person(Now thats not an opinion, just pure fact)..................:err:
Wow, I hope he does come back (I'm counting on it), cause this is ridiculous. Oh yeah, I'm -REAL- neurotic and need to chill out...

OfficerNice said:
You know Stun, I wasnt directing my post at you...until now.

I've never ever said to you "that is wrong" "you are wrong"
Never said it to Pyrus Never said it to you so shut your piehole
and you indicated as such as valid the other night Barbara.

Actually yeah you have, repeatedly. Maybe not those exact words but you've said as much. Like when you thought that guy said that Ripper Owens was better than Halford, even tho he didn't.

Actually it does but this is just the dumb ass shit kids like you rant on
and on and on and drone and whine on about because well, you're a kid
who still suffers from a tormenting Oedipus Complex and you're highly
sensitive and overly neurotic and you just need to lighten up and go
smoke a joint. Get over yourself. The world doesn't revolve around young
punks like you. It revolves around us folks older than you cause we
are the ones who made the world cool place that it is. You're Welcome.

The world is in a horrible state. I mean, people like you exist...

I have never claimed to know more than anyone on this board numnuts
and that includes you so shut up. For anything I know, DE can trump my
ass in 1 move and I know it cause I know who he is and how long he's
been a part of my beloved scene. I have experience. I have seen it
and heard it and been there and moshed to it before you were tying
And as it pertains to Pyrus, I've asked for his opinions and some of
them have been quite interesting but I never said he was wrong and I
never said he was stupid. You can look at his posts.

I love how the first line of this paragraph is contradicted by the first line of the one before this. :D I have no idea wtf you're talking about Pyrus for, I just mentioned that he was more mature than all you older folks.

I certainly fucking hope you're not referring to me one bit.
I never said anywhere in the slightest regards keyboards suck because
there are keyboards on the best Queensryche records and keyboards
on FF's Demanufacture which I love. And never anywhere did I say
east coast thrash sucks because I am one of the hugest Nuclear Assault
Fans (can you say live at Hammersmith Odeon?) of all time but you
brought my name up so eat my shorts.

I'm -pretty- sure you were one of the many people who said "your keyboards suck" when everyone checked my music out... but I could be wrong. Anyways my entire post was directed to you - I thought that was obvious - except for this section, mostly, and that's when I specifically brought your name to sya that you were NOT the main focus there.

cause we're tired of young scroats bitching?
Or we're too afraid of how young idiots like you are gonna fuck up our
hard work that made our world a better place and we've worked
hard enough to earn the reward of not suffering that fate.

I seriously doubt you have ever contributed something meaningful to the human race or ever will. Just my opinion. And, once again, the world is in a really fucked up state because of beligerant old fools like you.

No offense taken. I'd rather be as old as I am than be fucked up
and neurotic like most teenagers seem to be. Besides age has its benefits
and rewards. Some people say men arent worth piss til they hit 30.
Young buck, we don't get older, we get BETTER, just like wine.
You'll get there one day....just chill the fuck out. And men fuck better
as they get older because they learn how their bodies work instead of
just hammering away.....So why would I want to be 18 again? Yeah right


That would be the uh Bay Area circa long time ago yes.
I change all the time. My clothes, my curses, my beers, the cds in my
truck, my pickup lines on girls, and the hand I use to give you the middle
finger. What's your point?

The faces change but the essence is the same...

Jesus Christ on the cross already. You're more whiny and long winded
than Fucking Oprah. I bet your girlfriends come over and borrow your
dresses. Shit. I never said I knew better than anyone else and I never
said I was smarter than anyone else numnuts. You can grep for it
all you want but you wont find it cause I never said it. You are exactly
proving my point in the first place. more 18 year olds busting my balls.
Why dont you grow some hairs on your baby nuts before you talk shit
to me. All we want when we grow older is just a little fucking respect
for having been around and seen and done what you young bucks revere
and respect as much as we do.

What have you done that I should revere and respect you for?

You change? Sorry, you'll always be a canadian male which means polar
bears will always be afraid of being molested by you and you have shitty
taste in metal. I said before I have nothing against you. WTF is your
problem Shirley? I've defended my ground once now and I dont need
to defend it anymore to a punkass like you.
Now run along and go play with your dolls.
Dont bother replying, I dont plan on returning.

You've defended nothing. Well, you did defend in the tried-and-true American way: attacking.

I least I was able to keep it short... the one time ever and I had to quote a super-long post.

To DE: I've never backed down, and unless there's knives or guns involved, probably never will.
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