And Justice For Bass....

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Stun said:
To DE: I've never backed down, and unless there's knives or guns involved, probably never will.

GOOD! That's what I was HOPING you'd say!!! I'm in Massachusetts.
Next time a brutal heavy show comes to Maine, I'm more than willing
to face off with you in the pit and whoop your rookie pissant ass!

I always got time to kick some ass!!!!

Deadly Embrace said:
I love it when you unlesh your type written reply's..............These are just our opinions........But The Older Models can kick the shit out of the younger ones in real life, the young ones will always talk it up on the computer, but Puss out in person(Now thats not an opinion, just pure fact)..................:err:
Oh yeah I know. All Mouth, No Balls.
I've thrown down the gauntlet.
It's not personal, I'm offended, I mean, c'mon he's a rookie pissant cannuck
for gods sakes.....his country is a cheap knock off of our great nation.
You cant help but laugh!
I'd whoop him in the pit just for fun.

Somehow I knew he wouldn't respond except to say how tough he was... "all mouth, no balls"... please. This is the motherfucking internet, man, in case you never clued in. There are no blows exchanged. Just words. Maybe if you lived up in New Brunswick, or I lived down by you, we'd see who came out on top fist-to-fist. But that's completely irrelevant, and even more foolishly, you seem to think that's the central issue at hand. :rolleyes:

Oh, btw... funny how the US is such a great nation. I read they're such a great nation that they have 10 times more gun-realated deaths than Canada, and 100 times more than Europe (on average, and yes, the population differences are accounted for). And we're not a "cheap knock-off" of the US. We're both knock-offs of Britain (and France and Spain and such). The US wouldn't have existed without the Europeans.
Stun said:
Somehow I knew he wouldn't respond except to say how tough he was... "all mouth, no balls"... please. This is the motherfucking internet, man, in case you never clued in. There are no blows exchanged. Just words. Maybe if you lived up in New Brunswick, or I lived down by you, we'd see who came out on top fist-to-fist. But that's completely irrelevant, and even more foolishly, you seem to think that's the central issue at hand. :rolleyes:
I made the offer to honestly bring it real and settle it in the pit.
No shit rookie this is the internet. Maines only 8 hours from here.
I'm only focusing on the real shit, not that shit up there but if you
want that dealt with fine by me.
You're the one who just got Full of fuckin shit by saying "oh you live
too far away" It's not that far, I looked at a map!

Oh, btw... funny how the US is such a great nation. I read they're such a great nation that they have 10 times more gun-realated deaths than Canada, and 100 times more than Europe (on average, and yes, the population differences are accounted for). And we're not a "cheap knock-off" of the US. We're both knock-offs of Britain (and France and Spain and such). The US wouldn't have existed without the Europeans.
It's called Population Control.

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