And now for my summer gear rampage.....

Great looking guitar Wolfeman. The lack of fret markers would scare me though, I need them to cheat. :lol:

It still has the side dots. I thought the same thing the first time I bought a guitar with no fret markers, but I came to realize that it's only the dots on the side of the neck binding that I actually use...

I can't buy a guitar with inlays anymore :kickass:
Another update-

The VH4 deal fell through, so I picked up a Herbert for good price... I know I know, make up my damn mind... But this one is officially shipped and mine:kickass: I think the Herbie will hide my bad playing a little better anyway.

My Bitch


Only thing I'm short is a live in case for all this junk. Thinking about a one piece unit- head, 4x12, 6 space rack.... Affordable cases quoted me $750, anyone know of any cheaper options? Was thinking about adding a space for a second head as backup, but fuck, that's going to be a 5 man lift.....
I think a one piece live in case for all that gear is a bit silly man, at least make it 2 cases. It's going to be uber heavy and harder to fit into any sort of vehicle if it's all in one case. You could specify that the 2 cases be the exact same dimensions externally if you want it to look clean like that and it would save your back and give you a few more options when squeezing it into the van...

Aside from that, great scores dude, that guitar looks ace and I've always wanted to try a Diezel!

As far as studio kits go, I was looking for myself a while back and I'm sold on the Mapex Saturn stuff. 6 piece shell packs are like $2k and they are supposed to be FANTASTIC drums.
As far as studio kits go, I was looking for myself a while back and I'm sold on the Mapex Saturn stuff. 6 piece shell packs are like $2k and they are supposed to be FANTASTIC drums.

My buddy over here in Iraq, who is a drummer, made the same recommendation. I'm definitely waiting to make drum purchases until i get a chance to look at them in a store or someone that owns them. Also, for studio use, is a drum rack setup better than the standard toms connected to bass drum? I would assume so, but just want to get some opinions, since I have yet to work with a real kit.
I'd go with a rack, just to isolate the drums from each other and it gives you more placement options. Pain in the ass to setup over and over again but if it's a studio kit and it's not going anywhere, that's a non issue. I'd get a Pearl Icon rack personally, the Gibraltar ones are a bitch. My drummer has one and you have to tighten those clamps to the point of damaging the tubing because it's round, otherwise heavy hanging toms will slip and stuff, it's a pain in the ass. The Pearl rack is square tubing so nothing slips, and you can buy clamps that adjust to any angle if you find the stock ones aren't versatile enough, but I've never seen that become a problem.
That guitar looks awesome. I will definitely check that guy out when i think about getting another guitar. The graphite in the neck is an awesome feature. Vigier guitars have a carbon strip running down the center of the neck to stop it from warping... which is one of the most annoying thing about any guitar. Problem is that it's almost impossible to get one for under $2500, and they don't look that great.