Which 7-string should I buy?


Nov 23, 2007
I was thinking about a 7-string the whole year and I've deceided to buy one. I already own a Schecter Demon and I'm very satisfied with it, so I'm going to stick with Schecter.

I made a pre-selection:

Blackjack ATX

My profile:

Styles: Gothic Metal, Doom Metal, Dark Metal, Dark Rock, Alternative Rock

Amps, that I own: Axe-FX, Roland Cube 60

Amps, that I like: Engl Savage 120, Engl Powerball, Engl Screamer, Mesa Boogie Dual Rectifier

My taste of guitar-sounds: Illdisposed, Ghost Brigade, October Tide, Poisonblack, Rammstein, Disbelief

Thats not an easy choice for me: I could get the Hellraiser for a good price, but I'm afraid it sounds too muffled with the mahagony/EMG 707 combination. The Blackjack looks great, but I don't now if the JB PUs are strong enough. The Loomis also has the EMG 707, which I'm not so sure about. And then there is the Blackjack ATX with the Symour Duncan Blackout PUs - looks like a good compromise, but it doesn'nt look that cool without the cards on the fret and it's more expensive than the Blackjack C7.

Please help me :loco:
My Blackjack ATX was well worth it for the price, but it didn't last too long, sold it after a few months.
I'd just get an RG7321 and upgrade the pickups.

Wait, I did get a 7321 and upgrade the pickups. Not a great guitar, but a perfectly good one, no problems with it, more than capable of sounding great.

Extremely high bang for buck.
Are you dead set on getting a Schecter? Those Agile's seem like twice the guitar for what you pay, and with a quick EMG swap you might be happy...
If you can afford a Loomis, there shouldn't even be a question. Get the Loomis, you will not be disappointed.
I was thinking about a 7-string the whole year and I've deceided to buy one. I already own a Schecter Demon and I'm very satisfied with it, so I'm going to stick with Schecter.

I made a pre-selection:

Blackjack ATX

My profile:

Styles: Gothic Metal, Doom Metal, Dark Metal, Dark Rock, Alternative Rock

Amps, that I own: Axe-FX, Roland Cube 60

Amps, that I like: Engl Savage 120, Engl Powerball, Engl Screamer, Mesa Boogie Dual Rectifier

My taste of guitar-sounds: Illdisposed, Ghost Brigade, October Tide, Poisonblack, Rammstein, Disbelief

Thats not an easy choice for me: I could get the Hellraiser for a good price, but I'm afraid it sounds too muffled with the mahagony/EMG 707 combination. The Blackjack looks great, but I don't now if the JB PUs are strong enough. The Loomis also has the EMG 707, which I'm not so sure about. And then there is the Blackjack ATX with the Symour Duncan Blackout PUs - looks like a good compromise, but it doesn'nt look that cool without the cards on the fret and it's more expensive than the Blackjack C7.

Please help me :loco:

I've owned both the Black Jack and the Hellraiser and still own the hellraiser. My opinion is that Hellraiser > BlackJack in looks but the sound is brighter on the black jack so it depends on what you like, the difference in sound is really subtle though.
I think it's going to be the Hellraiser. The price is unbeatable at the moment ... a Loomis would cost 250 - 300 € more and has similar specs.

I would order it this evening, if there aren't any serious concerns, why I shouldn't do this.

The only thing I'm struggling with, is the possibility, that the guitar could be sounding to dark for my Axe FX, because the unit is tending to a darker sound anyway.

Is there anyone who uses a Hellraiser C7 in combination with an Axe FX?
I think it's going to be the Hellraiser. The price is unbeatable at the moment ... a Loomis would cost 250 - 300 € more and has similar specs.

I would order it this evening, if there aren't any serious concerns, why I shouldn't do this.

The only thing I'm struggling with, is the possibility, that the guitar could be sounding to dark for my Axe FX, because the unit is tending to a darker sound anyway.

Is there anyone who uses a Hellraiser C7 in combination with an Axe FX?

The guitar has a 26.5" scale.... longer than normal. That fact alone will make it a pretty bright sounding guitar. EMG 707s are also pretty bright. I don't think there would be any problem with the guitar sounding too dark.